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  • Updated 12.21.2022
  • Released 05.09.1997
  • Expires For CME 12.21.2025

Intramedullary spinal cord metastatic tumors



Intramedullary spinal cord metastasis refers to invasion of the spinal cord by solid tumors that arise elsewhere in the body. It is a relatively rare cause of myelopathy in patients with cancer; compression of the spinal cord by epidural metastatic tumor occurs far more often. Local back pain or radicular or referred pain in a limb is the most common initial symptom. Patients can go on to develop a transverse myelopathy, a Brown-Sequard syndrome, or an ascending or descending myelopathy. The course of the illness is subacutely progressive. The most common primary tumors arise in the lung and breast. MRI is the diagnostic procedure of choice. The prognosis is poor: the majority of patients survive fewer than four months. The cause of death is usually widespread metastatic disease. Radiation therapy is the treatment of choice. Most patients achieve stabilization of spinal cord function, and some patients improve.

Key points

• Intramedullary spinal cord metastasis is an uncommon cause of myelopathy in patients with systemic cancer.

• It presents as a painful, subacutely progressive myelopathy.

• Untreated, it causes irreversible paraplegia or tetraplegia.

• Treatment with radiotherapy, if performed when the patient can still walk, may stabilize, if not improve, spinal cord function.

Historical note and terminology

The term intramedullary spinal cord metastasis refers to invasion of the parenchyma of the spinal cord by solid tumors that arise elsewhere in the body. Willis was the first to review the pathologic aspects of the subject (49). He pointed out that they are usually multiple, that syringomyelia and hematomyelia can be complications, that carcinoma of the lung and breast are the most frequent primary tumors, and that cerebral metastases are also often present. He hypothesized that intramedullary spinal cord metastases spread to the cord hematogenously or by direct extension from leptomeningeal deposits. Finally, he found that the frequency of intramedullary spinal cord metastases is hard to determine, because the spinal cord is seldom examined at autopsy. The condition is so uncommon that no major clinical series appeared until 1972, and it contained only 9 patients (06). The authors found that the neurologic features are identical to those of compression of the spinal cord by epidural metastatic tumor, that the myelogram is often normal, and that radiation therapy is the treatment of choice. Schiff and O'Neill reported the largest clinical series (40 patients) (41). They concluded that long-term survival is poor because of widespread metastatic disease and that radiation treatment preserves but does not restore neurologic function.

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