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Bernardus de Lavinheta's representation of the medieval cell doctrine (1612)

Persistent early 17th-century representation of the medieval cell doctrine in Basque Franciscan Bernardus de Lavinheta's (died c. 1530) edition of a much earlier work by Bernardus de Lavinheta Ramón Lull (Raimundus Lullius; c. 1235-1316) in 1612. (Source: Bernhardus de Lavinheta and R. Llull. Practica co[m]pendiosa artis Raymu[n]di Lul: Explanatio compe[n]diosa q[ue] applicatio artis illuminati Doctoris magistri Raymundi Lull ad . . . facultates reuerendu[m] magistru[nm] Bernardu[m] de Lauinheta artium et theo logie doctorem Iucubrata: Et ad communem omnium utilitatem edita. Lyon: Joannis Moylin de Cambray, 1523.)

See also:
Lanska DJ. The medieval cell doctrine: foundations, development, evolution, and graphic representations in printed books from 1490 to 1630. J Hist Neurosci 2022a;31[2-3]:115-75.
Lanska DJ. Representations of the olfactory bulb and tracts in images of the medieval cell doctrine. J Hist Neurosci 2022b;31[2-3]:176-99.