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mRNA expression in mononuclear white blood cells in multiple sclerosis

mRNA expression in mononuclear white blood cells in multiple sclerosis shows massive gene dysregulation and correction by long-term IFN-beta therapy. A. Partial responders (PR) to IFN-beta therapy, while clinically stable, 4 days after last injection vs. untreated multiple sclerosis during exacerbations (left) and vs. untreated multiple sclerosis while stable (right). B. Untreated stable multiple sclerosis vs. healthy controls (HC) (left) and stable PR after 4-day washout vs. HC (right). (Adapted from:Feng X, Bao R, Li L, Deisenhammer F, Arnason BGW, Reder AT. Interferon-β corrects massive gene dysregulation in multiple sclerosis: Short-term and long-term effects on immune regulation and neuroprotection. EBioMedicine 2019;49:69-283.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Optic neuritis
  • Pars planitis (peripheral uveitis)
  • Seizure disorder
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Uveitis