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  • Updated 07.15.2024
  • Expires For CME 07.15.2027

Occupational neurotoxicology: metals



This article reviews occupational neurotoxic metal poisoning, particularly concerning the following metals and metal compounds: lead, tetraethyl lead, mercury, organomercury (dimethylmercury), manganese, thallium, tin, organotin, zinc, and arsenic. The review includes metal production and use, circumstances of occupational poisoning, metal metabolism and clinical neurotoxicology, clinical manifestations of metal neurotoxicity, methods of limiting exposure (including respirator requirements where available), exposure limits set by governmental and professional organizations, biologic monitoring, and OSHA compliance schemes (where applicable).

Key points

• The most important occupational exposures to neurotoxic metals, in terms of frequency and severity of neurologic impairment, are poisonings from lead, mercury, and manganese, with only occasional reports of neurotoxic occupational poisonings from organomercury, thallium, zinc, organotin compounds, or arsenicals.

• The predominant neurologic manifestations of occupational lead poisoning are lead encephalopathy (acute and chronic forms) and lead palsy.

• The most common neurologic manifestation of inorganic mercury poisoning (although often not the first) is a bilateral intention tremor (although a minimal rest component was noted in some cases).

• Neurologic manifestations of inorganic mercury poisoning may also include impaired cognition and neurobehavioral symptoms or erethism (eg, mood swings, irritability, irascibility, excitability, nervousness, timidity, shyness, loss of confidence, depression, moroseness), disturbances of smell and taste, constricted visual fields or blindness, incoordination or ataxia, impaired motor speed, and slowed nerve conduction.

• Manganese is recognized to cause an unusual extrapyramidal syndrome with atypical parkinsonism and often with dystonic features.