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Karla Mora Rodriguez

Early career physician with a Specialty in Neurology, an ABCN certified subspecialty in Epilepsy and a demonstrated history of working in the public and private hospital & health care industry. Skilled in Clinical Neurology and Epilepsy, Healthcare, Medical Education, Clinical Research and Clinical Trials.

Obtained her Medical Doctorate at University of Medical Sciences (UCIMED), completed a Strong Neurology Residency Program at Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) and an International Research Fellowship Program in Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). Selected as one of the 15 US postdoctoral fellows by the American Epilepsy Society for their 2020 Fellows Program, the Society’s flagship career development program for promising early career clinicians and researchers. Additionally has worked as a manuscript reviewer for the Neurology Journal and as acting member of Editorial Advisory Board at Ciencia y Salud Journal.

Currently pursuing an ACGME accredited Residency in Neurology at the prestigious University of South Florida.

Contributor Disclosures

Dr. Rodriguez of the University of South Florida has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.