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Phillip L Pearl MD

Director of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology
Boston Children's Hospital
William G Lennox Chair and Professor of Neurology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachussetts

Noteworthy Promotions, Awards, or Distinctions

2023: Dr. Pearl received the Child Neurology Society Hower Award which is given annually to honor a child neurologist and member of the society who is highly regarded as an outstanding teacher and scholar and additionally has given a high level of service to the Child Neurology Society.

2024: Dr. Pearl has been selected to give the honorary Fritz E Dreifuss lecture during the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society in Los Angeles in December 2024.

Contributor Disclosures

Dr. Pearl of Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School received a research grant from PTC Therapeutics.