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Pietro Cortelli MD PhD

Full Professor of Neurology
IRCCS-Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna
Department of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences (DIBINEM)
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy

Scientific Compendium
Total Papers (PubMED Jan 2022) = 563
Total Impact Factor (JCR 2020) > 2500
Scopus: H-index= 70 Time cited= 25852
70 Chapters of books with international and national editors
Over 150 oral communications as invited speaker at scientific national and international congresses and meetings.

Qualifications and Employment
1979: M.D., University of Bologna
1983: Specialization in Neurology, University of Bologna
1990: Ph.D. Neurological Sciences, University of Verona
1985: founder and director of the Unit for the Functional Exploration of the Autonomic Nervous System at the Institute of Clinical Neurology of Bologna University.
1987-1988: period of training at St. Mary’s Hospital and at the Institute of Neurology and National Hospital for Nervous Disease London (Tutors: Prof CJ Mathias, Prof Sir Roger Bannister)
1991-1999: Technical Collaborator, University Researcher, Institute of Clinical Neurology, University of Bologna
1999 – 30th Sept. 2004 Associate Professor NEUROLOGY, Integrated Department of Neurosciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
1st Oct 2004 - 15th Oct 2014, Associate Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurological Sciences and from 2012 DIBINEM, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna
From 15 Oct 2014 Full Professor of Neurology, Department of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences (DIBINEM) Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
From 2012 reviewer of VQR for ANVUR
2012-2015 Vice Director of DIBINEM_University of Bologna
2012-2015 Member of “Comitato Tecnico scientifico” of Montecatone RI
From Nov 2016 to Aug 2019 Scientific Director of IRCCS ISNB
From 2014 Director of The School of Neurology of the University of Bologna
2018-2021 Director of PhD course in Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences
2018-2021 Dean of the School of Medicine and Surgery
From 2021 President of “Osservatorio Scuole di Specialità RER”
From 2018 Operative Director of IRCCS-ISNB
From Sept 26, 2018 member of CTS settore Ricerca Scientifica of Ministry of Health

Contributor Disclosures

Dr. Cortelli of the University of Bologna has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.