General Neurology
Dec. 27, 2023
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label:Distribution of major rabies virus variants among mesocarnivores in the United States, including Puerto Rico, from 2017 through 2021. Darker shading indicates counties with confirmed animal rabies cases in the past 5 years; lighter shading represents counties bordering enzootic counties without animal rabies cases that did not satisfy criteria for adequate surveillance. Small nonenzootic areas with no rabies cases reported in the past 15 years are shaded if they are in the vicinity of known enzootic counties and do not satisfy criteria for adequate surveillance. Rabies virus variants: ARC FX = Arctic fox, AZ FX = Arizona fox, CA SK = California skunk, E RC = Eastern raccoon, MG = Dog-Mongoose, NC SK = North central skunk, and SC SK = South central skunk. (From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ma X, Bonaparte S, Corbett P, et al. Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2021. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2023.)