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Stimulus induced after discharges seen during tibial F wave study

(A) Tibial F wave study showing normal F waves. The solid horizontal line denotes normal F wave duration in the superimposed waves (settings gain 200 microvolt/division, time base 20 ms/division). (B) Tibial F wave study showing stimulus induced after discharges with F waves being obscured. The solid horizontal line denotes stimulus induced after discharge duration of 140 ms (settings gain 200 microvolt/division, time base 20 ms/division). (Figure reprinted with permission from: Nair AV, Mani A, Vijayaraghavan A, et al. Utility of stimulus induced after discharges in the evaluation of peripheral nerve hyperexcitability: old wine in a new bottle? J Peripher Nerv Syst 2021;26:90-8.)