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Alice meeting a hookah-smoking caterpillar seated on a mushroom (c1865)

English illustrator Sir John Tenniel’s (1820-1914) illustration of Alice meeting the hookah-smoking caterpillar seated on a mushroom, from Lewis Carroll’s “The Nursery ‘Alice’” (Carroll 1889). Alice’s experiences were used as the basis of English psychiatrist John Todd’s description of the Alice in Wonderland syndrome in 1955 to indicate self-experienced paroxysmal body image illusions involving distortions of the size, mass, or shape of the body or its position in space, often occurring with depersonalization and derealization.

Lanska JR, Lanska DJ. Alice in Wonderland syndrome: somesthetic vs. visual perceptual disturbance. Neurology 2013;80(13):1262-4.

Lanska DJ, Lanska JR. The Alice-in-Wonderland syndrome. Front Neurol Neurosci 2018;42:142-50.

Todd J. The syndrome of Alice in Wonderland. Can Med Assoc J 1955;73(9):701-4].

(Edited for sharpness and contrast using Photoshop CS6 by Dr Douglas J Lanska.)