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  • Updated 05.24.2024
  • Released 09.08.2011
  • Expires For CME 05.24.2027

Immunotherapy in neuromuscular disorders



An increasing number of immunotherapies are being used to treat the heterogeneous group of neuromuscular diseases believed to have an autoimmune pathogenesis. Current treatment options are discussed for the most frequent of these diseases: inflammatory neuropathies, myasthenia gravis, and inflammatory myopathies. New therapies used in these diseases, including biological agents (monoclonal antibodies or recombinant proteins), are also reviewed.

Key points

• Neuromuscular autoimmune diseases in contrast to many other neurologic immune-mediated conditions (like multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis, or NMO) often are chronic progressive rather than relapsing remitting. This means that the immune therapies utilized should target and cover the duration of the disease activity, utilizing a combination of fast-onset, bridge, and long-acting options to optimize disease control if needed.

• Immune-mediate neuromuscular disease often has nonspecific symptoms (pain, fatigue) that does not correlate with ongoing inflammation that would necessitate immune therapy modification. Objective or functional outcome measures should be utilized to optimize immunotherapy planning.

• Classic immunosuppressants remain the most beneficial and widely used drugs for immune-mediated neuromuscular diseases.

• Most patients with immune-mediated neuromuscular diseases experience improvement of symptoms and quality-of-life measures with appropriate treatment. Lack of expected objective treatment response should prompt reevaluation of diagnosis.

• Several specific therapies have emerged as potential treatments for immune-mediated neuromuscular diseases.

• Subcutaneous immunoglobulin is a potential alternative to intravenous immunoglobulin that may be of similar benefit in some immune-mediated neuromuscular disorders.

• Biological agents have emerged as effective therapies for patients with treatment-resistant immune-mediated neuromuscular diseases.

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