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  • Updated 07.17.2024
  • Released 04.07.1999
  • Expires For CME 07.17.2027

Visual agnosias



Visual agnosia is the inability to recognize an entity based on its visual features alone despite adequate visual acuity. There are general visual agnosias and selective visual agnosias. General visual agnosias encompass form agnosia, integrative agnosia, and transformative agnosia. Selective agnosias include prosopagnosia (agnosia for faces), pure alexia (agnosia for written words), and topographagnosia (agnosia for locale). General and selective agnosias may be subdivided into apperceptive and associative types. Apperceptive agnosias are characterized by a lack of adequate visual perception of the basic features of an entity to allow for recognition. Associative agnosias are characterized by adequate visual perception but an impairment in associating the visual perception with stored knowledge and meaning of the entity. This article reviews the clinical characteristics, pathogenesis, localization, differential diagnosis, diagnostic evaluation, and rehabilitation of the visual agnosias.

Key points

• Visual agnosias comprise a rare group of impairments characterized by an inability to recognize objects by sight despite the preservation of normal visual acuity and the ability to recognize the objects by sound or touch.

• The two main visual processing pathways that extend from the primary visual cortex include the dorsal (“where or action”) stream and the ventral (“what”) stream. Visual agnosia occurs because of a problem of the ventral stream.

• Visual agnosias are classified into two broad categories: general and selective. Further divisions in both categories include apperceptive visual agnosias (the inability to adequately perceive the basic visual properties of an entity) and associative agnosias (the failure to associate adequate perception with stored knowledge and meaning).

• Rehabilitation programs for agnosia remain primarily experimental.

Historical note and terminology

Descriptions of visual agnosia have existed for over a century. One of the earliest experimental observations involved a dog with partial ablations of both occipital lobes which had lost its usual responses to familiar objects but could still navigate around them, suggesting that it could see but could not recognize (82). In 1890, Lissauer described this “mind-blindness” in humans (72). He distinguished between an apperceptive disorder, in which subjects did not perceive objects well, and an associative disorder, in which subjects could not link what they saw with their stored knowledge about objects (93). In 1891, Freud introduced the term "agnosia," which was later defined more specifically as a failure to recognize objects that could not be attributed to poor visual acuity, cognitive impairment, or aphasia. Despite these early descriptions, controversy regarding whether agnosia was a true entity continued until single-unit recordings and case studies emerged in the 1960s and 1970s (46).

Visual agnosias are divided into two broad categories: general and selective. General and selective agnosias can be further subdivided into apperceptive and associative types. Agnosias can also be divided into those that are developmental and those that are acquired.

The distinction between apperceptive and associative visual agnosia

The distinction between apperceptive and associative agnosia emerged from descriptions by Lissauer in 1890 (72); he introduced terms that have remained valid ever since. However, the understanding of visual perception and visual recognition has grown considerably since 1890, and discoveries have allowed for arguments suggesting that not all patients can be neatly categorized into apperceptive or associative agnosia (05).

Apperceptive visual agnosia is defined as the inability to visually perceive basic or elemental visual features of an object that results from errors at early visual processing stages. Patients with apperceptive visual agnosia cannot draw or copy viewed objects.

Associative visual agnosia is defined as an inability to visually recognize despite appropriate perception. In associative visual agnosia, recognition fails because it cannot be associated with past knowledge or meaning. Thus, patients with associative agnosia have trouble linking what they see with what they know (62). The stored knowledge may relate to what objects look like (their structural representations) or general semantic facts about objects (their function and where they are found). Patients with associative visual agnosia can often produce a faithful drawing or copy of a viewed object.

Over the years, additional subtypes of each type of visual agnosia have been described, and a more refined taxonomy has emerged (62; 44).

Visual agnosia taxonomy

(Contributed by Dr. Jason J S Barton.)

General visual agnosias

Form agnosia. Patients with this type of apperceptive agnosia have difficulty recognizing even basic shapes, which are the building blocks of object structure (20). However, they can identify certain visual properties, such as brightness, contrast, and motion.

Integrative agnosia. In this type of agnosia, which is usually classified as apperceptive, the integration of shapes into the more complex structures of real objects is impaired (62). For example, a patient might see two round wheels and two triangles but not realize they form a bicycle. This deficit can be shown in their struggles to identify the individual objects within an overlapping figure drawing (62; 56).

Transformation agnosia. Transformation agnosia is a rare apperceptive condition in which patients cannot recognize objects shown from unusual (“non-canonical”) viewpoints. One interpretation is that this deficit reflects a problem with deriving a viewpoint-independent perception of an object’s three-dimensional structure (109; 62).

Category-specific agnosia. In this type of associative agnosia, patients’ recognition of living things like plants and animals might be more deficient than recognition of man-made objects like tools, furniture, or vehicles (45; 70; 24). This category specificity may be explained by the greater visual complexity and similarity of natural objects (63).

Selective visual agnosias

Prosopagnosia. In this type of visual agnosia, patients cannot identify familiar faces (07; 35). The deficit is not always confined to faces, extending sometimes to difficulty identifying other objects, such as cars, bicycles, or animals (53; 08). There are apperceptive, amnestic, and associative variants of prosopagnosia (33). In the apperceptive variant, patients cannot see differences in the facial structures of different people. In the amnestic variant, patients cannot recall particular faces. In this amnestic variant, the deficit can be probed with a questionnaire inquiring what patients remember about famous faces (09). In the associative variant, patients have good facial feature perception and preserved facial memories but cannot identify or match a face to a prior memory. There are developmental and acquired forms of prosopagnosia (99).

Pure alexia or word blindness. Pure alexia is a selective associative agnosia also known as “alexia without agraphia.” At the severe end are patients with global alexia who cannot read words at all (21), a deficit that may extend to letters and numbers and other forms of visual symbolic communication, such as musical notation or map symbols (61; 18). At the milder end of pure alexia are patients who can read letters but not words. They recognize words only by reading “letter-by-letter,” reading slowly and taking even longer when word length increases (13).

Topographagnosia. In this selective associative visual agnosia, patients cannot recognize locales or environmental surroundings. A special form includes landmark agnosia, which is the inability to recognize landmarks, such as buildings and scenes (100). Although most topographagnosia is acquired, there is a developmental form (64).

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