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Intraoperative posterior tibial evoked potential, 4 hours and 4 minutes

Intraoperative measurement 4 hours and 4 minutes after anesthetic induction. Amplitude of the cortical (P37-N45) as well as cervical potentials is significantly reduced, and there is an increase in the latency of the cortical potentials with the left-sided stimulation. Right-sided stimulation value changes were less marked, with the exception of P37, which showed a 2.1 msec increase in latency. Left sided cortical potentials: P37 34.2 msec; N45 38.7 msec; 0.39 microvolts; Left sided cervical potentials: 25.4 msec; 0.19 microvolts; Right sided cortical potentials: P37 34.1 msec; N45 37.9 msec; 0.44 microvolts; Right sided cervical potentials: 24.9 msec; 0.33 microvolts. (Contributed by Dr. Marcio A Sotero de Menezes.)

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