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Leptomeningeal collaterals and basal moyamoya vessels in patient with involuntary movements after gastroenteritis

Angiography in an 18-year-old girl with involuntary right-sided movements following an episode of gastroenteritis. (A) Left vertebral artery, lateral injection: numerous leptomeningeal collaterals from the left posterior temporal to anterior temporal artery territories (black arrow) as well as from the left posterior cerebral to middle cerebral artery territories (white arrow). Collaterals from the left splenial to the left pericallosal artery are also noted (double arrow) (B) Left internal carotid artery (ICA) injection, lateral view. Basal moyamoya vessels in the ipsilateral basal ganglia and thalamus (arrows). There is supraclinoid left ICA tapering and early ethmoidal moyamoya (white arrow) (Contributed by Dr. Jose Biller.)