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BrainWaves #90 Conduction block, and why it confuses me

MedLink Neurology
Podcast is delighted to feature selected episodes from BrainWaves, courtesy of James E Siegler MD, its originator and host. BrainWaves is an academic audio podcast whose mission is to educate medical providers through clinical cases and topical reviews in neurology, medicine, and the humanities, and episodes originally aired from 2016 to 2021.

Originally released December 21, 2017

Nerve conduction testing should not be as puzzling as it's made out to be. This week, we break it down into individual components and use two case examples to explain how you might interpret this commonly implemented electrodiagnostic assessment.

Produced by James E Siegler. Music by Coldnoise, Jessie Spillane, Loyalty Freak Music, and Yshwa. Voiceover by Erika Mejia. BrainWaves' podcasts and online content are intended for medical education only and should not be used for routine clinical decision-making.


Allen JA. Chronic demyelinating polyneuropathies. Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2017;23(5, Peripheral Nerve and Motor Neuron Disorders):1310-31. PMID 28968364

Kincaid JC. Neurophysiologic studies in the evaluation of polyneuropathy. Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2017;23(5, Peripheral Nerve and Motor Neuron Disorders):1263-75. PMID 28968361

Pareyson D, Scaioli V, Laurà M. Clinical and electrophysiological aspects of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Neuromolecular Med 2006;8(1-2):3-22. PMID 16775364

Preston DC, Shapiro BE. Electromyography and neuromuscular disorders: clinical-electrophysiologic correlations. 3rd ed. London; New York: Elsevier Saunders, 2013.

We believe that the principles expressed or implied in the podcast remain valid, but certain details may be superseded by evolving knowledge since the episode’s original release date.

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