Clinical features in severe cases typically include fever, headache, malaise, hemorrhagic bullous lesions surrounded by an extensive erythema and edema, and leukocytosis; in occasional cases, patients develop septic shock (70).
Predictors of developing meningitis or dying include the following: fever or chills; diastolic hypotension; headache; anxiety; nausea or vomiting; abdominal pain; malignant pustule edema; thoracic edema; lymphadenopathy; leukocytosis; bacteremia; and coagulopathy (205).
Gastrointestinal anthrax. Gastrointestinal anthrax occurs from 1 to 7 days following ingestion of large numbers of anthrax endospores, usually associated with eating undercooked contaminated meat (36; 11; 221; 121; 151; 153; 21; 08; 91; 163). Infection may be associated with preexisting lesions in the alimentary tract, especially in the oropharynx (221). Initial symptoms may include fever, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, and hemorrhagic ascites (60; 36; 108; 221). In a review of the clinical features of hospitalized patients with anthrax, more than half with ingestion of anthrax developed ascites (94). Toxins destroy the mesenteric lymph nodes and the blood supply to the small bowel, producing bowel ischemia, peritonitis, and septicemia.
Inhalational anthrax. Naturally acquired inhalational anthrax is rare in the United States; only 19 cases were identified over the last century, with most occurring in special occupational risk groups (29; 54). Inhalational anthrax typically develops from 2 to 10 days of respiratory exposure to aerosolized anthrax endospores, but cases may present up to 6 or 7 weeks after exposure (144; 221). The mediastinal lymph notes are the nidus of bacterial proliferation. Initial symptoms usually resemble a viral respiratory illness and may include fever, chills, diaphoresis, headache, myalgias, dyspnea, sore throat, cough (usually nonproductive), a feeling of heaviness in the chest, pleuritic pain, malaise, and weakness (144; 60; 46; 43; 38; 54; 108; 10). Some may present with symptoms suggestive of a gastroenteritis or cholecystitis, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain before developing more serious respiratory symptoms (170; 43; 38; 108). Some may present with chest pain of sufficient acuteness and severity to suggest myocardial infarction (02). Chest radiography often reveals a widened mediastinum but does not show pneumonia (10). In a review of the clinical features of hospitalized patients with anthrax, most patients with inhalation of anthrax developed pleural effusions (94). Apparent clinical improvement over several days may be followed by abrupt worsening, with severe respiratory distress, septic shock, and death within 36 hours (60). About half of cases ultimately develop hemorrhagic meningitis (02). Physical findings are usually nonspecific. Based on animal studies using nonhuman primates, the lethal dose is estimated to range from 2500 to 760,000 spores (221).
Injectional anthrax. Since 2009, injectional anthrax has emerged among heroin users in Europe (18; 68; 116). More than 70 cases have been reported from Denmark, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Many of these cases presented as a severe soft tissue infection, without a history of animal contact. The unfamiliar characteristics of injectional anthrax have led to diagnostic delays, inadequate treatment, and high case fatality rates (18). Cases of injectional anthrax commonly require surgical debridement (18).
Genome-based characterization of injectional anthrax isolates has identified two tight clusters that imply at least two separate disease events spanning more than 12 years, with one group exclusively associated with the 2009 to 2010 outbreak and located primarily in Scotland, and the second comprised of later (2012 to 2013) cases but also including a single Norwegian case from 2000 (116). Because of the genomic similarity of the two clusters, they were both probably caused by separate contamination events originating from the same geographic region (116).
Anthrax meningoencephalitis. Meningoencephalitis may develop with any clinical type of anthrax, including cutaneous (202; 174; 171; 71; 83; 120; 133; 137; 224; 164; 172), gastrointestinal (201; 133), mixed gastrointestinal and cutaneous (120; 133), injectional (98), and inhalational (05; 170; 02; 32; 133). Meningitis is most common among cases of inhalational anthrax, where it may occur in up to half of cases (05; 170; 28; 29; 02; 60; 133); however, among the 10 cases of confirmed or suspected inhalational anthrax related to the bioterrorist outbreak of anthrax in the United States in 2001, only the index case had documented meningitis (32; 41; 46; 43; 111; 133). Meningitis develops in 5% or fewer of cases of cutaneous anthrax (187; 137); however, most cases of anthrax meningitis develop from cutaneous anthrax, as the vast majority of naturally acquired cases of anthrax are cutaneous (133). Meningitis may occur rarely without a clinically apparent primary focus (72; 174; 171; 79; 133; 11; 84).
Anthrax meningoencephalitis generally presents with fever, headache, vomiting, and confusion or agitation, but there may also be symptoms related to the source of infection (eg, cutaneous, gastrointestinal, or inhalational) (05; 170; 72; 202; 174; 171; 201; 71; 83; 120; 225; 04; 113; 133; 203; 19; 34). Many patients present in extremis following a prodromal period of 1 to 6 days, and two thirds die within 24 hours of admission. Clinical signs on presentation frequently include fever (39.5°C to 41°C), malaise, meningeal signs, hyperreflexia often with bilateral Babinski signs, and delirium or stupor. Other clinical findings may include focal or generalized seizures, myoclonus, fasciculations, generalized rigidity possibly progressing to trismus and opisthotonos, lateralizing signs including unilateral fixed and dilated pupil with contralateral hemiplegia, and decerebrate posturing. Pathologic findings include hemorrhagic meningitis, with extensive edema, inflammatory infiltrates, and numerous gram-positive rods (69; 133; 145). The extensive hemorrhage of the leptomeninges gives them a dark red appearance on gross examination at autopsy, a finding referred to as a "cardinal's cap" (02). Uncommonly, there may be multiple intraparenchymal heterogeneous lesions or areas of ring contrast enhancement and a central diffusion restriction, compatible with abscesses (172).
Atypical anthrax presentations. Atypical presentations of anthrax can occur in patients without known cutaneous, gastrointestinal, or inhalational ports of entry (102). Patients with atypical presentations are less likely to have cough, chest pain, or abnormal lung examination findings (102). Rarely, atypical presentations of anthrax can manifest as meningoencephalitis, so-called “primary anthrax meningitis” (19; 84).
Prognosis and complications
Untreated, the case fatality from cutaneous anthrax is about 20% to 30%, compared to 25% to 60% with gastrointestinal anthrax, and nearly 100% with inhalational anthrax. With treatment, mortality is less than 1% with cutaneous anthrax (60; 221; 95), whereas mortality remains high, even with aggressive treatment, with gastrointestinal or inhalational anthrax (101; 95). Inhalational anthrax was generally thought to be fatal in 80% to over 90% of cases (170; 29; 02; 221), but the mortality in the 2001 U.S. outbreak has been much better than anticipated (five of 11 cases or 45%) with the use of aggressive treatment and intensive care unit support, including mechanical ventilation and dialysis as necessary (43; 221). Since 2001, eight of 15 (53%) known patients with inhalation anthrax have survived with early diagnosis, combination antimicrobial drug treatment to eradicate the bacteria and inhibit toxin production, and aggressive pleural effusion management (95). Initiation of antibiotic or anthrax antiserum therapy during the prodromal phase of inhalational anthrax is associated with markedly improved survival compared with initiation of treatment of fulminant cases (101). Nevertheless, anthrax survivors report significant health problems and poor life adjustment one year after the onset of bioterrorism-related anthrax (177).
Anthrax meningoencephalitis is usually rapidly fatal with roughly two-thirds of affected patients dying within 24 hours of presentation (133; 165), although there a small number of reported survivals following anthrax meningoencephalitis (64; 187; 214; 202; 204; 119; 201; 133; 19). In a systematic review, survival of anthrax meningitis was predicted by treatment with a bactericidal agent and the use of multiple antimicrobials (114). There is limited information on long-term outcomes among the few survivors, but several cases were reported to have fully recovered (202; 201; 133; 19).
Clinical vignette
A 63-year-old man presented with a 4-day history of fever, myalgias, malaise, nausea, vomiting, and confusion (32; 111). He was treated with intravenous cefotaxime and vancomycin for presumed bacterial meningitis. Examination revealed a temperature of 39°C, no nuchal rigidity, absent Kernig and Brudzinski signs, and no cranial neuropathies or focal neurologic findings. The white blood cell count was 9400 with 77% neutrophils. Chest x-ray showed a widened mediastinum and basilar infiltrates. A computed tomography scan of the head without intravenous contrast was normal. A lumbar puncture showed cloudy CSF. Gram stain of CSF showed many polymorphonuclear leukocytes and numerous large gram-positive rods, singly and in chains. CSF laboratory studies disclosed relative hypoglycorrhachia (with CSF glucose 57 mg/dl and blood glucose 174 mg/dl), increased protein (666 mg/dl), red cells (1375 per cubic ml), and a polymorphonuclear pleocytosis (4750 white cells with 81% polymorphonuclear). A diagnosis of anthrax meningoencephalitis was considered based on the CSF results, and high-dose intravenous penicillin therapy was added. Within 6 hours, CSF cultures grew colonies of gram-positive rods, which were presumptively identified as Bacillus anthracis within 18 hours and confirmed as such within 36 hours. His hospital course was complicated by coma, generalized convulsive seizures, hypotension, azotemia, hyperkalemia, and acidosis. Cultures of blood and CSF grew Bacillus anthracis. Autopsy was performed and was consistent with inhalational anthrax; the central nervous system was not included in the autopsy. Subsequent investigation identified the probable source of exposure as an anthrax-contaminated letter, sent as part of an outbreak of anthrax bioterrorism in the United States. This was the index case of that outbreak.
Biological basis
• Anthrax is caused by a large, encapsulated, gram positive, aerobic, nonmotile, spore-forming bacillus, Bacillus anthracis. |
• The spore is the infectious form commonly found in the environment. |
• Anthrax has been developed as a biological warfare agent by at least seven countries. It remains a significant bioweapons threat and is considered the most likely biological warfare agent, as it is stable in spore form and can be stored for prolonged periods, it is easy and cheap to produce, there is no natural immunity in industrialized nations, it can be dispersed in air, the inhalational form is highly lethal, and the agent is difficult to detect. |
• Following inhalation, anthrax spores are phagocytized by alveolar macrophages and transported to tracheobronchial lymph nodes, causing some to label the alveolar macrophages as “Trojan horse cells,” |
• By the time that clinical symptoms appear, deadly toxins have already been produced, and it may be too late for antibiotics to alter the outcome. |
• Full virulence of Bacillus anthracis requires an antiphagocytic capsule and the tripartite anthrax toxin, which is comprised of three proteins: (1) protective antigen, (2) edema factor, and (3) lethal factor. |
Etiology and pathogenesis
The Bacillus anthracis bacterium. Anthrax is caused by a large, encapsulated, gram positive, aerobic, nonmotile, spore-forming bacillus, Bacillus anthracis. The spore is the infectious form commonly found in the environment (221).
Cultured colonies of Bacillus anthracis typically exhibit a roughly textured surface and irregular edges and may also exhibit a classic "medusa-head" or "judge's wig" morphology, a term given to colonies whose edges resemble a tangled mass of curly hair.
Low-magnification image of colonies of Bacillus anthracis
Under very low magnification (2.5x), this photograph shows a close view of a Petri dish culture plate, upon which colonies of Bacillus anthracis bacteria had been cultivated, each exhibiting a roughly textured surface ...
Low-magnification image of colonies of Bacillus anthracis
Under low-power magnification (10x), this photograph depicts the colonial growth displayed by Sterne strain members of the Gram-positive bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, which were cultured on sheep blood agar for 48 hou...
Low-magnification image of a Bacillus anthracis colony
Under very low magnification (5x), this photograph shows a close view of a Petri dish culture plate, upon which colonies of Bacillus anthracis bacteria had been cultivated. This view shows a single colony was featured,...
Colonies also exhibit a characteristic "tenacity," such that a small spire of colonial matter remained standing on its own support without toppling.
Low-magnification image of colonies of Bacillus anthracis illustrating "colonial tenacity"
Viewed from the side, this low-magnification view of a Petri dish culture plate, shows two Bacillus anthracis bacterial colonies. The colony on the left was untouched, whereas the colony on the right was teased, thereb...
Bacillus anthracis may have different morphologic characteristics exhibited by the same microorganism, when grown on different growth media, a phenomenon that is applied in the "encapsulation test.”
Bacillus anthracis-positive encapsulation test demonstrated using two different agar media
This image depicts a view of a Petri dish culture plate, which was partitioned down its center to perform an encapsulation test. On the left is a bicarbonate agar growth medium, and on the right is a blood agar growth medium. E...
Bacillus anthracis tends to grow in long filamentous strands, which have a characteristic appearance on Gram-stained specimens.
High-magnification image of filamentous strands of Bacillus anthracis
Gram-stained photomicrograph depicting numerous gram-positive, rod-shaped, Bacillus anthracis bacteria, which are arranged in long filamentous strands. Magnification 1150x. (Photomicrograph taken in 1966 by Dr. Alan La...
Chains of Gram-positive, rod-shaped, Bacillus anthracis bacteria
Photomicrograph of Gram-stained culture sample, depicts chains of Gram-positive, rod-shaped, Bacillus anthracis bacteria. (Photomicrograph taken in 1980 by Dr. James C Feeley. Courtesy of Centers for Disease Control an...
Other stains may bring out additional features. For example, using the malachite green spore staining technique can highlight green-stained endospores amongst red-colored, Bacillus anthracis bacteria.
Green-stained endospores seen amongst these red-colored, Bacillus anthracis bacteria
Under a magnification of 1000X and using the malachite green spore staining technique, this photomicrograph highlights the green-stained endospores seen amongst these red-colored, Bacillus anthracis bacteria. (Photomic...
Some additional ultrastructural morphology of Bacillus anthracis bacteria can be visualized with light microscopy using special stains and growth media.
Ultrastructural morphology of Bacillus anthracis bacteria on a growth medium of defibrinated horse blood
This photomicrograph reveals some of the ultrastructural morphology of Bacillus anthracis bacteria, which had been processed using M'Fadyean capsule stain and grown at 35°C on a growth medium of defibrinated horse bloo...
Greater ultrastructural detail is obtained using transmission electron microscopy.
Transmission electron microscopic image of Bacillus anthracis bacteria from an anthrax culture
Transmission electron microscopic image of Bacillus anthracis bacteria from an anthrax culture, showing cell division (A) and an endospore (B). (Image taken by CDC Pathologist Sherif R Zaki [1955-2021] and Elizabeth Wh...
Ultrastructural features exhibited by Bacillus anthracis bacteria
Transmission electron microscopic image reveals some of the ultrastructural features exhibited by Bacillus anthracis bacteria. Note that the elongated bacteria were cut in their longitudinal plane, whereas the round-sh...
Anthrax meningitis. Anthrax meningitis is histologically characterized by an influx of neutrophils and monocytic cells, hemorrhage, edema, vascular congestion, and the presence of B anthracis bacteria in the cerebrospinal fluid. There may be associated focal intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, and diffuse cerebral edema.
Histopathologic details in a fatal human case of hemorrhagic meningitis due to anthrax
Photomicrograph showing histopathologic details in a fatal human case of hemorrhagic meningitis due to anthrax. Note the rod-shaped, darkly stained Bacillus anthracis bacteria. (Source: CDC. Photograph by Dr. Marshall ...
Hemorrhagic changes in a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax (1)
Photomicrograph showing hemorrhagic changes in a meningeal tissue sample in a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax (x125). (Source: CDC. Photograph by Dr. LaForce, 1967. Public Health Image Library, image number 1787. Public ...
Hemorrhagic changes in a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax (2)
Photomicrograph showing hemorrhagic changes in a meningeal tissue sample in a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax (x500). (Source: CDC. Photograph by Dr. LaForce, 1967. Public Health Image Library, image number 1786. Public ...
Tissue sample demonstrating Bacillus anthracis bacteria from a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax
Photomicrograph of a meningeal tissue sample demonstrating darkly stained, rod-shaped Bacillus anthracis bacteria from a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax. (Source: CDC. Photograph by Dr. LaForce, 1967. Public Hea...
Infection due to Bacillus anthracis bacteria
Photomicrograph of meningeal tissue sample (H&E) reveals an infection due to Bacillus anthracis bacteria. (Source: CDC. Photograph by S Benesky, 1966. Public Health Image Library, image number 4627. Public domain.)...
Interventricular hemorrhage in a fatal human case of anthrax
Coronal brain section through the ventricles, revealing an interventricular hemorrhage, from a fatal human case of anthrax. (Source: CDC, 1966. Public Health Image Library, image number 3376. Public domain.)
Inhalation anthrax. Following inhalation, anthrax spores are phagocytized by alveolar macrophages and transported to tracheobronchial lymph nodes, causing some to label the alveolar macrophages as “Trojan horse cells” (182; 60; 90; 14). The spores germinate beyond the lungs in the lymphatics. At the tracheobronchial lymph nodes, local toxin production causes a necrotizing edematous lymphadenitis, progressing to mediastinitis and pulmonary edema, possibly with a bloody pleural effusion (182; 86; 80; 60).
Tissue necrosis in lymph node tissue from a fatal case of inhalation anthrax
Photomicrograph of a lymph node tissue sample (H&E), harvested at autopsy, from a 33-year-old patient with inhalation anthrax. Histopathologic findings of tissue necrosis. (Source: CDC. Photograph by S Benesky, 1966. Public...
Cytoarchitectural changes in bronchus tissue in case of inhalation anthrax
Photomicrograph of a tissue specimen harvested from the bronchus of a deceased 60-year-old man, showing cytoarchitectural changes of inhalation anthrax (H&E). (Source: CDC. Photograph by Sidney J Brodsky, 1966. Public Healt...
Hemorrhagic changes in a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax (3)
Photomicrograph showing histopathologic changes in lung tissue harvested from a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax (x50). (Source: CDC. Photograph by Dr. LaForce, 1967. Public Health Image Library, image number 1790. Public...
Histopathologic lung tissue changes in a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax
Photomicrograph showing histopathologic changes in a lung tissue sample from a fatal human case of inhalation anthrax (Brown and Brenn (B&B) stain, x500). Note the darkly stained, rod-shaped Bacillus anthracis bact...
Phagocytic dendritic cells (CD11c+ cells) probably serve as conduits of B anthracis spores from the lung to the draining lymph nodes (188). The bacteria escape the lymphatic system and enter the blood stream (bacteremia). About half of the cases of inhalational anthrax develop a concurrent hemorrhagic meningoencephalitis with bloody, purulent spinal fluid (86; 02; 80; 60). Septicemia, toxic shock, and death rapidly follow in less than 48 hours (182; 60). Bacillus anthracis efficiently invades human brain microvascular endothelial cells, comprising the blood-brain barrier (209).
Clinically similar presentations, particularly fatal pneumonia, can occur with inhalation exposure to Bacillus cereus containing Bacillus anthracis toxin genes, particularly in immunocompromised hosts (100; 99; 159; 09). Bacillus cereus (a soil organism that is also an opportunistic pathogen) is closely related to Bacillus anthracis.
Gastrointestinal anthrax. Grazing animals can acquire anthrax by ingestion of anthrax spores that persist in soil. Spores germinate in the gastrointestinal tract and precipitate disease in a dose-dependent manner (158). Inoculation of vegetative bacilli also results in gastrointestinal anthrax. Exposure of anthrax-infected carcasses to oxygen triggers sporulation and further contamination of the surrounding soil. Virulence is severely impacted by the loss of capsule (pXO2-encoded) but only moderately in the absence of toxins (pXO1-encoded), although the lack of toxins leads to reduced bacterial replication in infected hosts.
Pathological examination of infected tissue reveals edema, necrosis, and bacilli in the lymphatics with lymphadenitis.
Small intestine tissue sample in a fatal case of human anthrax
Photomicrograph of a small intestine tissue sample (H&E, x96) revealing marked mucosal and submucosal hemorrhage with accompanying arteriolar degeneration in a fatal human case of anthrax. (Source: CDC. Photograph by Dr. Ma...
Submucosal hemorrhage in a fatal human case of anthrax (1)
Photomicrograph of a small-intestine tissue sample (H&E, x240) revealing submucosal hemorrhage in a fatal human case of anthrax. (Source: CDC. Photograph by Dr. Marshall Fox, 1976. Public Health Image Library, image number ...
Submucosal hemorrhage, in a fatal human case of anthrax (2)
Photomicrograph of a small-intestine tissue sample (H&E, x240) revealing submucosal hemorrhage in a fatal human case of anthrax. (Source: CDC. Photograph by Dr. Marshall Fox, 1976. Public Health Image Library, image number ...
“The jail-break model” in cutaneous and gastrointestinal anthrax. An alternate model, the so-called “jail-break model,” has been proposed for initial growth and dissemination of anthrax in cutaneous and gastrointestinal anthrax, and possibly for inhalational anthrax. In this model, (1) spores germinate at the site of initial entry into capsulated bacteria and start producing toxins; (2) bacterial growth and toxins cause epithelial/endothelial lining disruption; (3) bacteria pass through the damaged barrier, enter the lymphatics, and then reach the blood stream without requiring phagocytic transport (87; 213; 14).
Bacterial toxins and virulence factors. Bacterial toxins have long been felt to play a major role in clinical anthrax, because many effects of Bacillus anthracis cannot be attributed to microscopically evident tissue changes (23; 74). By the time that clinical symptoms appear, deadly toxins have already been produced, and it may be too late for antibiotics to alter the outcome.
Full virulence of Bacillus anthracis requires an antiphagocytic (poly-γ-D-glutamic acid) capsule and the tripartite anthrax toxin, which is comprised of three proteins: (1) protective antigen, (2) edema factor, and (3) lethal factor (110; 25). These toxins are thought to be responsible for the primary clinical manifestations of hemorrhage, edema, necrosis, and death. Protective antigen serves as an essential carrier molecule for edema factor and lethal factor (in binary combinations) and enables penetration of the toxins into cells by a complex process involving actin-dependent endocytosis (01; 181; 223).
Anthrax toxin formation and activity
Note the binding of protective antigen to anthrax toxin receptors on the cell surface, with subsequent proteolytic processing and oligomerization to form a heptamer, which binds edema factor and lethal factor. LF and EF can bind t...
Protective antigen is activated proteolytically in the blood and tissues, and once activated is able to bind to anthrax toxin receptors on cell surfaces (25). Specifically, to reach the endosomes, the anthrax toxin hijacks the endocytic pathway of CMG2 and TEM8, the two anthrax toxin receptors (78; 197). The pore-forming subunit of the toxin then inserts itself into endosomal membranes, preferentially into intraluminal vesicles (rather than the limiting membrane of the endosome), leading to the translocation of the enzymatic subunits in the lumen of these vesicles (78; 197). Then the enzymatic subunits reach the cytoplasm either by direct translocation or by back-fusion of intraluminal vesicles of late endosomes. In the cytoplasm, lethal factor cleaves members of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP)/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) family (or MEK) to inhibit nuclear protein synthesis (218; 78). The enzymatic subunits can also be released from the cell in exosomes.
Anthrax toxin cellular entry (schematic overview)
Bacillus anthracis produces the three subunits of anthrax toxin: protective antigen (PA), lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF). The 83 kDa form of PA (PA83) binds to either of two type I transmembrane proteins (CMG...
Protective antigen pore structure (Cryo electron microscopy)
The approximate position of the membrane is depicted with a discontinuous line and grey rectangle. (Source: Friebe S, van der Goot FG, Bürgi J. The ins and outs of anthrax toxin. Toxins (Basel) 2016;8(3). Creative Commons by Attri...
Anthrax toxin progression through the endocytic pathway
Schematic overview of the progression of anthrax toxin through the endocytic pathway. After trafficking to the early endosome, PA can undergo a conformational change that results in pore formation and translocation of the enzymati...
Edema factor and lethal factor actively suppress chemokine production and neutrophil recruitment during infection, which allows the anthrax bacillus to reproduce and spread unimpeded (209). Edema factor is a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase that combines with protective antigen to form edema toxin; edema toxin acts to increase cyclic AMP and produce local edema and impair neutrophil function (79; 69; 198; 25). Lethal factor is a zinc metalloprotein that combines with protective antigen to form lethal toxin, a protein kinase; lethal toxin stimulates macrophages to release large quantities of pro-inflammatory cytokine molecules (ie, tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1 beta), resulting in shock (79; 69; 198; 222). Lethal toxin is critical to bacterial penetration of the blood brain barrier and development of meningoencephalitis because it disrupts brain microvascular endothelial monolayer integrity and endothelial tight junction protein zone occludens-1 (ZO-1) (76). Lethal toxin also attacks host immunity through multiple mechanisms, including attenuation of macrophage pro-inflammatory responses, suppression of dendritic cell function, and blocking actions of T- and B-lymphocytes, such as antigen-receptor dependent lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine production, and immunoglobulin production (13; 222). Among other actions, these toxins collectively depress cerebral cortical electrical activity (122; 210), depress central respiratory center activity (122; 178; 210), cause bleeding and destruction of the brain and vital organs in the chest (02), and induce cardiovascular collapse (122). Toxin-induced vascular dysfunction is mediated in part by disruption of the endothelial cell barrier (89).
Progression of anthrax after infection is largely mediated by two native virulence plasmids, pXO1 and pXO2 (75). The genes for lethal toxin and edema toxin are located on pXO1, and genes for the anti-phagocytic poly-Υ-D-glutamic acid capsule are located on pXO2. Attachment to (adhesion) and invasion of brain microvascular endothelial cells by blood-borne B anthracis is also mediated by the pXO1 plasmid-encoded envelope protein, BslA. BslA is necessary and sufficient to promote adherence to brain endothelium and also contributes to blood-brain barrier breakdown by disrupting the tight junction protein ZO-1.
Additional virulence factors are secreted as well, including two zinc metalloproteases: neutral protease 599 and immune inhibitor A. Immune inhibitor A contributes to blood-brain barrier disruption associated with anthrax meningitis, by additional proteolytic attack on ZO-1 (152). The increase in blood-brain barrier permeability begins with internalization of immune inhibitor A into human brain microvascular endothelial cells, followed by degradation of ZO-1. The expression of Immune inhibitor A contributes to hemorrhagic brain damage associated with fatal meningoencephalitis.
• Anthrax is endemic in sheep, cattle, goats, and horses, particularly in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. |
• Spores can remain dormant in some types of soil for many decades, serving as a potential source of infection for grazing livestock. |
• Humans may become infected by contact with, ingestion, or inhalation of spores from infected animals or their products (eg, wool or hides). |
• Cutaneous anthrax most commonly results when spores from contaminated animal products enter breaks in the skin, whereas "woolsorter disease" is an occupational inhalational anthrax infection acquired by wool mill workers. |
• Naturally occurring cases outside of agricultural or industrial settings have resulted from exposure to products from anthrax-infected animals, eg, anthrax-contaminated bristle shaving brushes, animal hair or yarn, bone meal, and drums made from contaminated hides. |
• Since 2000, cases of cutaneous and systemic anthrax have occurred in Scotland due to injection of heroin contaminated with anthrax. |
• Anthrax is rarely found in most developed countries because of vaccines for animals and at-risk people. |
• Epidemiologic clues to bioweapon use include (1) an outbreak or multiple, simultaneous outbreaks with large numbers of patients complaining of respiratory symptoms; (2) high case fatality; (3) sick or dead animals of different species; or (4) multidrug-resistant pathogens. |
• In patients with anthrax meningoencephalitis, males outnumber females by 3 to 1, due in part to differences in occupational exposure (many affected individuals have been wool mill workers or farmers). |
Anthrax in animals. Anthrax is endemic in sheep, cattle, goats, and horses in multiple countries, particularly in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Spores can remain dormant in some types of soil for many decades, serving as a potential source of infection for grazing livestock (69; 147; 221; 155; 199; 226; 160; 219). Animals acquire spores through direct contact with contaminated soil (147).
Human anthrax. Humans may become infected by contact with, ingestion, or inhalation of spores from infected animals or their products (eg, wool or hides) (54; 155; 199; 226; 160; 163; 219).
Lymph node biopsy on a dead aoudad to confirm anthrax infection
Investigation of cutaneous anthrax in a ranch hand in Texas c2001 revealed an anthrax epizootic among animals imported to Texas ranches for exotic animal sport hunting. In this photograph, a CDC physician was performing a lymph...
Cutaneous anthrax most commonly results when spores from contaminated animal products enter breaks in the skin, whereas "woolsorter disease" is an occupational inhalational anthrax infection acquired by wool mill workers (05; 30; 170; 16).
Mediastinum and bilateral pulmonary effusion in a case of inhalational anthrax
Posteroanterior chest x-ray taken 4 months after onset of anthrax in a 46-year-old man. Note the widened mediastinum and bilateral pulmonary effusion. The patient had worked for 2 years as a card tender in a goat hair processin...
Naturally occurring cases outside of agricultural or industrial settings have resulted from exposure to products from anthrax-infected animals (eg, anthrax-contaminated bristle shaving brushes, animal hair or yarn, bone meal, and drums made from contaminated hides) (56; 221). Two Turkish boys developed cutaneous anthrax after contaminated cow's blood was smeared on their foreheads as part of a traditional ritual (81). Laboratory-acquired cases have been reported and may be fatal (52; 53; 190). Human-to-human transmission of clinical anthrax has not been clearly documented (35), although historically in Gambia, antibodies to B anthracis were found in people living in close contact with patients, and B anthracis was isolated from communal loofahs (97).
Since 2000, cases of cutaneous and systemic anthrax have occurred in Scotland due to injection of heroin contaminated with anthrax (179; 24; 59; 173).
Anthrax is rarely found in most developed countries because of vaccines for animals and at-risk people. There has been a dramatic reduction in livestock and human cases of anthrax in the United States since 1900, in part due to livestock and at-risk human immunization, proper disposal of infected animals, and restriction of imported wool, hides, and other products (28; 29).
Since 1960, adult anthrax mortality has ranged from 31% for cutaneous to 90% for primary meningitis (94). Median incubation periods ranged from 1 day (interquartile range [IQR]: 0–4) for injection anthrax to 7 days (IQR: 4–9) for inhalation anthrax (94).
A large outbreak of cutaneous and gastrointestinal anthrax occurred from April to May 2023 in the Koraput district of Odisha, India (163). During the outbreak, 47 clinically suspected anthrax cases were identified in five villages. The epidemic curve indicated multiple point-source exposures starting from April 13, 2023. Exposures from handling dead animals were associated with cutaneous anthrax, and eating uncooked meat of dead sheep was associated with gastrointestinal anthrax. "About 10 cases" were confirmed as cases of anthrax by RT-PCR testing. No deaths were recorded in the outbreak. The most common clinical manifestation was a skin eschar (70%), followed by skin swelling, reddening, and pruritis, and, finally, abdominal pain, lymphadenopathy, skin vesicles, vomiting, and diarrhea, all in 30% or less of the cases.
Anthrax epidemic curve, Odisha, India, 2023
Epidemic curve showing distribution by date of onset of suspected human anthrax cases in different administrative blocks of the Koraput district of Odisha, India, during an anthrax outbreak in April to May 2023. (A) All anthrax...
Anthrax case stratification, Odisha, India, 2023
Stratification of suspected cutaneous and gastrointestinal human anthrax cases by type of anthrax and date of onset in the Koraput district of Odisha, India, April to May 2023. (A) Cutaneous-only cases. Cluster I refers to the ...
Symptoms presented during anthrax outbreak, Odisha, India, 2023
Symptoms presented by 10 confirmed cases during the anthrax outbreak in the Koraput district of Odisha, India, April to May 2023. (Source: Parai D, Pattnaik M, Choudhary HR, et al. Investigation of human anthrax outbreak in Kor...
Anthrax meningoencephalitis. Among patients with anthrax meningoencephalitis, males outnumber females by 3 to 1 (133). This represents, in part, differences in occupational exposure because many affected individuals have been wool mill workers or farmers (05; 170; 171; 83; 120).
Anthrax bioweapon or bioterrorism. Because of the complexities of development and dispersal of an anthrax bioweapon, it had been anticipated that small-scale sabotage or attempts at personal murder were more likely than large-scale attempts at inflicting mass casualties with anthrax, and that crude dispersal in a close area was the most likely mode of attack. In the 2001 U.S. outbreak of anthrax acquired through intentional contamination of mail, most cases involved media, government, and postal service employees; several civilian cases remain unexplained (46).
Epidemiologic clues to bioweapon use include (1) an outbreak or multiple, simultaneous outbreaks with large numbers of patients complaining of respiratory symptoms; (2) high case fatality; (3) sick or dead animals of different species; (4) multidrug-resistant pathogens (60). A World Health Organization report estimated that release of 50 kg of anthrax spores upwind of a city of 500,000 population would result in 125,000 infections and nearly 95,000 deaths (220). A report by the United States Congressional Office of Technology Assessment estimated between 130,000 and 3 million deaths following aerosolized release of 100 kg of anthrax spores upwind of Washington, D.C. (157).
• Vaccination of livestock in endemic areas is the most effective method of preventing naturally acquired anthrax in animals and humans. |
• Prevention of anthrax in civilians as a result of bioterrorist activity is limited to prevention of exposure and postexposure prophylaxis (postexposure prophylaxis is considered under management), whereas in military personnel and selected at-risk populations, prevention has also included vaccination. |
• Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA), a cell-free, noninfectious anthrax vaccine prepared from a noncapsulating, nonproteolytic anthrax strain, was licensed by the Food and Drug Administration in 1970 for soldiers, at-risk scientists and laboratory workers (ie, those working with anthrax), at-risk veterinarians and livestock handlers, and at-risk wool mill workers. |
Vaccination of livestock in endemic areas is the most effective method of preventing naturally acquired anthrax in animals and humans (36; 199; 219). Management of anthrax in livestock includes quarantine of the herd, removal of the herd from contaminated pastures, vaccination of livestock, treatment of affected livestock, and incineration and, later, burial of infected carcasses, bedding, and other material found around the carcasses (36). Other factors that contributed to the control of naturally occurring human anthrax in the United States include improved industrial hygiene, strict importation guidelines for animals, and regulations that minimized the importation and use of contaminated animal products.
In anthrax endemic areas, livestock are seldom presented for vaccination, and unsafe handling of diseased animals and carcasses can greatly augment the frequency and lethality of human cases. Knowledge remains inadequate to prevent unnecessary livestock and human cases in many endemic areas, including African countries and India (150; 166). In a cross-section study of community knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward anthrax in Kenya, 23% reported that they would slaughter and sell potentially contaminated beef to neighbors, whereas 63% would bury or burn the carcass (150); in addition, although 94% believed vaccination prevents anthrax, only 55% would present livestock for vaccination.
Prevention of anthrax in civilians as a result of bioterrorist activity is limited to prevention of exposure and postexposure prophylaxis (postexposure prophylaxis is considered under management). In military personnel and selected at-risk populations, prevention has also included vaccination (51); however, legal challenges resulted in a temporary halt of military vaccinations as of December 2003. Although previous Centers for Disease Control guidance (35) indicated that anthrax vaccine could be requested through the Centers for Disease Control, such a vaccine was not provided to civilians during the 2001 outbreak in the United States (46; 133). Subsequently, civilians deemed at high risk of exposure who had completed a 60-day course of antibiotics were offered postexposure anthrax vaccination (37; 108).
Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA), a cell-free, noninfectious anthrax vaccine prepared from a noncapsulating, nonproteolytic anthrax strain, was licensed by the FDA in 1970 for soldiers, at-risk scientists and laboratory workers (ie, those working with anthrax), at-risk veterinarians and livestock handlers, and at-risk wool mill workers (208). AVA was reapproved for licensure by the Food and Drug Administration in 1985 and remains the only licensed human anthrax vaccine in the United States (221). AVA, now marketed as BioThrax (Emergent BioSolutions, Lansing, Michigan), is licensed for use in non-pregnant adults aged 18 to 65 years who are at high risk of exposure.
AVA is a considerable improvement over previously available vaccines, including the uncharacterized whole-cell vaccines developed initially in 1881 (185). Originally it was administered as a series of six subcutaneous exposures over 18 months, followed by annual boosters for persons with continuing potential exposure risk (60; 208). In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published the results of a 4-arm randomized controlled trial comparing the original regimen administered by subcutaneous administration with the original regimen administered by intramuscular injection, a reduced dose schedule administered by intramuscular injection, and a placebo that received saline injections at the same intervals; intramuscular injection significantly reduced the occurrence of injection-side reactions, and immunological priming of reduced-dose regimens proved noninferior to the original licensed regimen (140). For pre-event or preexposure prophylaxis, the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices now recommends five 0.5-ml doses of AVA administered intramuscularly at 0 and 4 weeks and 6, 12, and 18 months, followed by annual 0.5-ml booster injections after the 18-month dose (221). A booster dose of AVA for preexposure prophylaxis can be given every 3 years instead of annually to persons not at high risk for exposure to Bacillus anthracis who have previously received the initial AVA 3-dose priming and 2-dose booster series and want to maintain protection (26). People with contraindications to intramuscular injections (eg, coagulopathies) may continue to receive AVA by subcutaneous administration (221). In contrast to the revised vaccine administration schedule and route for pre-event or preexposure prophylaxis, the FDA decided in June 2009 to continue the preexisting postexposure prophylaxis protocol until new data become available; therefore, for postexposure prophylaxis, AVA should only be administered under an Investigative New Drug protocol or Emergency Use Authorization in a 3-dose series (at 0, 2, and 4 weeks) by the subcutaneous route in conjunction with antimicrobial therapy for a minimum of 60 days (221).
The Department of Defense Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program, announced in 1997 and instituted in 1998, administered 8.4 million doses to approximately 2.1 million military personnel from March 1998 through December 2008 (221). Although previously mandatory for military servicemen and women, a United States District Court ruled on October 27, 2004, that the Department of Defense can no longer inoculate troops without their consent. The vaccine is associated with frequent local reactions but only rare serious side effects sufficient to require hospitalization (approximately once per 200,000 doses) (208). In fact, in a study employing a historical cohort before the inception of the Department of Defense Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program in 1998, hospitalization following anthrax vaccination was significantly less likely from any cause, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, and diseases of the respiratory system among 170,723 active duty U.S. service members who were vaccinated with the anthrax vaccine (215).
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has monitored adverse events reported following vaccination with AVA. The most common adverse events that occurred after AVA administration (either alone or concurrently with other vaccines) were arthralgia (17%), headache (16%), pruritus (15%), pain (14%), injection-site erythema (13%), fever (11%), erythema (10%), pain at the injection site (10%), rash (10%), and myalgia (10%) (221). There is no convincing evidence of long-term adverse health effects associated with AVA administration (221). Vaccine postmarketing surveillance has identified no association between optic neuritis and receipt of the anthrax vaccine by members of the U.S. military (167).
AVA is neither recommended nor licensed for use during pregnancy, and the Department of Defense continues a policy of avoiding anthrax vaccination in pregnant women (51). AVA is now available under an investigational new drug application in combination with extended antibiotic treatment for civilians exposed to inhalational anthrax who have completed a 60-day course of antibiotics (37; 108).
Other vaccines are used in people and animals in other countries with diverse adaptive immune responses to different anthrax antigens (134). Britain and China have vaccines derived from toxins filtered from a bacterial culture (189; 107). The United Kingdom uses the Anthrax Vaccine Precipitated (AVP) vaccine, an alum-precipitated cell-free filtrate of culture supernatant from a nonencapsulated strain of B anthracis (from which bacterial cells and some LF and EF are removed by downstream filtering) (134; 148). Russia's vaccine involves inoculation of live spores of a weakened strain of anthrax originally developed for livestock vaccines in the 1930s (189; 107); this vaccine, referred to as a live anthrax vaccine (LAV) or live attenuated anthrax vaccine (LAAV), uses live attenuated STI strain B anthracis spores that lack an essential virulence factor (ie, the plasmid that encodes the capsule), and consequently the vaccine is “attenuated” (134). At least a dozen countries manufacture anthrax vaccines for livestock, which are similar to the Russian vaccine for people.
New vaccines are in development, including at least one based on highly purified, genetically engineered protective factor administered with a modern adjuvant (184; 142). The AV7909 anthrax vaccine being developed for postexposure prophylaxis may require fewer vaccinations and a reduced amount of antigen to achieve an accelerated immune response compared with the AVA (BioThrax®) vaccine (103).
Much work needs to be done internationally to develop capabilities to manage victims of biological or chemical terrorism (117). At present, most physicians and hospital emergency departments in the United States are ill prepared to treat victims of such terrorism (115; 216; 195).