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  • Updated 10.10.2024
  • Released 09.25.2007
  • Expires For CME 10.10.2027

Bowel dysfunction in neurologic disorders



Neurogenic bowel dysfunction is common in patients with neurologic conditions. Symptoms mainly include constipation and fecal incontinence. These symptoms significantly impact quality of life and can be physically, socially, and emotionally disabling for patients. This article will review the following:

• The neural control of colonic function and defecation

• Bowel dysfunction in selected neurologic diseases

• Bowel dysfunction in specialized patient populations

• Overview of workup and management of neurogenic bowel dysfunction

Key points

• Bowel dysfunction in neurologic diseases results from disturbance in the complex neural control of colonic function and defecation.

• Bowel dysfunction is common in patients with neurologic diseases and may have considerable impact on quality of life.

• Bowel dysfunction should be recognized in the context of neurologic disease and can be managed with a number of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic approaches.

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ISSN: 2831-9125