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Myoclonic-atonic seizure in a 2-year-old boy (video-EEG)

This polygraphic video-EEG demonstrates a myoclonic-atonic seizure in a 2-year-1-month-old boy with epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures. (a) Before the attack, the boy was sitting with his back against his mother (1). He was suddenly thrown forward, with slight elevation of both arms (2-3), and his trunk flexed at the waist (5). He quickly recovered from the attack. (b) The attack corresponded exactly to a generalized spike-and-wave complex at 2 Hz. The myoclonic EMG activity, involving the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, lasted for approximately 200 ms. Numbers in the photograph corresponded to those of the EEG. (Contributed by Dr. H Oguni.)