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Treatment for decompression sickness using US Navy Treatment Table 6

Given the patient's history of breath-hold diving with a risk profile for decompression sickness, as well as the clinical and neuroimaging findings, the patient was transferred to a hyperbaric chamber. Recompression was carried out in the hyperbaric chamber at 2.8 atmospheres absolute (ATA). With a progressive resolution of symptoms, treatment was completed using US Navy Table 6. Total elapsed time is 285 minutes, ascent time between stops (18 to 9 meters and 9 to 0 meters) is 30 minutes (3 minutes/10 minutes), and maximum pressure is 18 meters of seawater (msw). (Source: Sánchez-Villalobos JM, Fortuna-Alcaraz ML, Serrano-Velasco L, et al. Breath-hold diving-related decompression sickness with brain involvement: from neuroimaging to pathophysiology. Tomography 2022;8[3]:1172-83. Creative Commons Attribution License [CC BY],