Sleep Disorders
Psychophysiological insomnia
Jan. 15, 2024
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(1) Motor cortex; (2) interhemispheric fissure; (3) anterior surface of the spinal cord; (4) corticobulbar fibers; (4') decussation of the corticobulbar fibers in the caudal pons (although Raymond localizes the decussation too far caudally) (Wolfe 1971); (5) bulbar nucleus and emerging nerve fibers; (6) corticospinal fibers; (6') decussation of the corticospinal fibers in the caudal medulla; (7) anterior horns of the spinal gray matter; (8) spinaI roots; (a) centrum semiovale; (b) internal capsule; (c) cerebral peduncle; (d) pons; (e) medulla; (f) spinal cord. (Source: Raymond F. Sur une variété particulière de paralysie alterne. In: E. Ricklin and A Souques, editors. Leçons sur les maladies du système nerveux [année 1894-1895] par F. Raymond. Première série. Paris: Octave Doin, 1896:365-83. Public domain.)