Epilepsy & Seizures
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Feb. 08, 2025
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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ISSN: 2831-9125
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas.
In this article, the author reports on genetic findings in familial and sporadic epilepsy with auditory features, including pathogenic variants in the MICAL-1 gene.
• Epilepsy with auditory features is typically characterized by auditory auras, but other types of ictal semiology, such as ictal aphasia, can be present. | |
• Sporadic and familial cases share similar clinical, neuroimaging, and neurophysiology features. | |
• Approximately 50% of families with epilepsy with auditory features have a genetic diagnosis clarified, of which mutations in the LGI1 gene or RELN gene are the most frequent. Other genes implicated with this syndrome include DEPDC5, SCNA1, and MICAL-1. | |
• Drug-resistant seizures and neuroimaging abnormalities might be present in some affected individuals, described in association with RELN or LGI1 mutations. | |
• Few cases in the literature report on surgical treatment of drug-resistant seizures, with good outcomes to date. |
Epilepsy with auditory features is an epilepsy syndrome previously most frequently known for its familial presentation, referred to as autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, familial neocortical or lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, and autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features. This nomenclature was adopted following the position statement by the International League Against Epilepsy Task Force on Nosology and Definitions for epilepsy syndromes with a variable age of onset (80).
In the 1990s, several autosomal dominant forms of focal epilepsy were described by the group of Berkovic and colleagues (07). These included autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, familial temporal lobe epilepsy, familial focal epilepsy with variable foci, and autosomal dominant rolandic epilepsy with speech dyspraxia. Familial temporal lobe epilepsy was included in the proposals for classification of epileptic syndromes by the International League Against Epilepsy, supporting it as a well-defined syndrome (33; 32; 04).
The first description of familial epilepsy with auditory features was in 1995 by Ottman and colleagues, who reported its familial occurrence as an autosomal dominant focal epilepsy syndrome with auditory features (73). Thus, the then-named autosomal dominant partial epilepsy syndrome with auditory features was regarded as a familial form of temporal lobe epilepsy with seizures semiology pointing to a neocortical or lateral temporal generator.
After detailed descriptions of many families with temporal lobe epilepsy, it has been possible to define two groups of familial temporal lobe epilepsy based on clinical and molecular characteristics (93): (1) familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with clinical features of mesial temporal onset and no clear-cut molecular definition to date (55; 52) and (2) familial epilepsy with auditory features, first described in association with LGI1 gene mutations in chromosome 10q (73; 49; 71). In the ILAE position statement, both familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and familial or nonfamilial epilepsy with auditory features are included as variable age of onset focal epilepsy syndromes (80).
It is impossible to distinguish patients with familial, nonfamilial, or sporadic temporal lobe epilepsy based solely on the clinical presentation for both mesial and lateral forms. As the family history is not always accurately documented and because some family members are asymptomatic or only mildly affected, many so-called “sporadic” or “isolated” patients may actually have a familial epilepsy syndrome.
The occurrence of sporadic epilepsy and auditory features without a positive family history was first highlighted by Bisulli and colleagues (12). The authors termed this syndrome idiopathic focal epilepsy with auditory features and performed a clinical and genetic study in 53 sporadic cases. Mutations or variants in LGI1 were excluded in all these patients although, except for the absence of family history, they had identical clinical manifestations to those seen in familial cases, including the prevalently good prognosis (12). After the first description of their large series, the same authors reported a de novo mutation in the LGI1 gene in one patient with sporadic epilepsy with auditory features (13). A de novo LGI1 mutation or variant has also been reported in a patient with idiopathic epilepsy and telephone-induced seizures (67). Overall, however, other series of patients with sporadic epilepsy with auditory features found no LGI1 mutations or variants (39; 15), with only approximately 2% of nonfamilial cases having an LGI1 mutation or variant identified (72).
The identification of a positive family history of seizures in patients with epilepsy with auditory features is not sufficient for a diagnosis of familial presentation of the syndrome. The best definition of familial epilepsy with auditory features is based on the familial recurrence of neocortical temporal lobe epilepsy (all affected individuals with a diagnosis in keeping with epilepsy with auditory features), defined by clinical-EEG criteria according to the ILAE recommendations, in the absence of any suggestion of other focal or generalized epilepsy syndromes in other affected family members, auditory symptoms that could be indicative of psychiatric etiology (such as hallucinations in the absence of an epileptic nature), or tinnitus in disorders of the peripheral auditory system (23; 80). Thus, the observation of at least two patients with epilepsy with auditory features in one family is necessary but not sufficient for the definition of familial epilepsy with auditory features. The observation of an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with incomplete penetrance implies the presence of asymptomatic carriers of the genetic abnormalities, who can transmit the disease to their offspring. Therefore, we should consider including families not only with affected first-degree relatives but also with affected second- and third-degree relatives.
Age of onset is variable, usually in the second or third decades of life. Seizures are typically described in the literature as easily controlled with antiseizure drugs. Familial epilepsy with auditory features is an overall benign epilepsy syndrome characterized by but not limited to the occurrence of auditory auras (buzzing, roaring, radio- or motor-like sounds, distortions in sounds and words). Although other manifestations, such as psychic, cephalic, and other sensory and motor phenomena, can occur, the auditory auras are a landmark for this syndrome (73; 99; 98). Ictal aphasia and visual misperceptions can occur, and in rare families, focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures are frequent (79; 99; 98; 16; 44; 54; 69).
Bisulli and colleagues studied determinants of poor long-term outcomes in epilepsy with auditory features, identifying the following predictive factors: epilepsy onset earlier than 10 years of age, presence of focal epileptiform abnormality on EEG, and seizure semiology in keeping with focal aware cognitive seizures with complex auditory hallucinations (09).
Patients with rather psychic symptoms or with visual ictal manifestations in the context of familial epilepsy with auditory features associated with LGI1 mutations have also been described (89; 28). A report from the Epi4K Consortium highlighted that amongst kindreds with temporal lobe epilepsy, a small proportion of them presented affected individuals that could have either mesial or lateral temporal lobe seizure semiology (34). A family with a mother and her offspring with drug-resistant seizures with a combination of auditory symptoms and ictal fear of left temporal onset has been described (66).
EEGs may show temporal epileptiform discharges but are frequently normal. MRI studies who no clear-cut signs of hippocampal atrophy, but a range of anatomical variations have been described in rare cases. A lateral or neocortical temporal malformation pattern has been observed in 45% of affected individuals in one large Brazilian family with an LGI1 mutation, including one asymptomatic carrier (54). The left temporal lobes of these individuals seemed enlarged, and sometimes a lateral protrusion of the brain parenchyma could be identified, with an “encephalocele-like” appearance. In another study, anterior temporal lobe volumetry showed a significant global volume increase in only two individuals. Subtle abnormalities in the posterior aspect of the left middle temporal gyrus were identified in patients with epilepsy with auditory features compared to controls using voxel-based analysis of fractional anisotropy maps (92).
Functional neuroimaging has also been applied to investigate dysfunction in these patients. One patient with an RELN mutation with normal 3T MRI was shown to have altered functional connectivity in the left hemisphere (18). Two Italian patients (proband and mother) with a missense RELN variant [c.6631C>T (p.Arg2211Cys)] and refractory epilepsy had seizures with ictal onset over the left temporal region captured in video-EEG recording, as well as neuroimaging abnormalities. Structural and metabolic neuroimaging abnormalities were found: [18F]FDG-PET showed left temporal hypometabolism, and 3T MRI revealed a mild left temporal hypotrophy, slight blurring of the white and grey matter in the left temporal lobe, and hyperintensity of the left hippocampus (66).
Epilepsy with auditory features has an overall benign clinical course with few refractory patients reported to date (73; 79; 99; 98; 16; 69; 66; 97). Many patients may present only a few episodes and then have spontaneous remission.
In the study reporting on long-term follow-up in patients with epilepsy with auditory features, including 123 patients with a median follow-up of 11 years, the cumulative rate of seizure remission in those followed for at least 5 consecutive years was 50% by 30 years from epilepsy diagnosis (09). Approximately 32% of these patients reported a family history of epilepsy; 15 of them (12.2%) belonged to 11 different familial epilepsy with auditory features pedigrees. The authors analyzed patients who were in seizure remission for at least 5 years at the last follow-up. Total remission after tapering off antiseizure medications might lead to relapses, but particular to this cohort is the marked heterogeneity in terms of phenotype (41). Poor prognostic factors for seizure control were: age at onset younger than 10 years, auditory aura characterized by complex auditory hallucinations, and focal epileptiform abnormalities on scalp EEG. When a structural lesion is identified on MRI, patients with drug-resistant seizures can be offered surgery (09).
Neurologic disabilities in the form of auditory and language processing dysfunction have also been documented in families with epilepsy with auditory features and LGI1 mutations (77; 74).
A molecular diagnosis can be determined in approximately 50% of families, in which identification of mutations or pathologic variants in the LGI1 as well as RELN genes have most often been described.
LGI1 gene mutation or variant can be found in approximately 30% of families with familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy (05; 75). A large Italian study identified LGI1 mutations or variants in only 30% of kindreds (68). The identification of LGI1 mutations or variants in only half of the families presenting the typical phenotype (05; 75) suggests genetic heterogeneity in the families. A linkage to chromosome 19q13.11-q13.31 has been found in a large Brazilian kindred presenting with auditory auras (10).
A comprehensive review of LGI1 mutations or variants in epilepsy with auditory features can be found in a paper by Nobile and colleagues (72) and in a review on pathogenic mechanisms in LGI1 mutations or variants (102). The LGI1 gene was cloned from a glioblastoma cell line, and although previous studies have suggested that LGI1 represents a tumor suppressor gene (22), a subsequent study was unable to establish a correlation between the gene and malignant glioma suppression (43). LGI1 (also known as Epitempin) is a secreted neuronal protein characterized by a central leucine-rich repeat region (47), which is involved in regulating cell growth, adhesion, and migration.
Our understanding of the role of LGI1 in the epileptogenic process has significantly advanced with the finding that LGI1 binds to the postsynaptic membrane proteins A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease (ADAM) 22 and 23, thus linking LGI1 with modulation of glutamate-AMPA synaptic transmission by regulating the surface expression of AMPA receptors (40). In addition, defective LGI1 could lead to presynaptic changes in the inactivation kinetics of A-type potassium channels through an effect on voltage-gated potassium channel subunit (Kv1.1), thus increasing excitability (85).
Two protein isoforms of LGI1 are differentially expressed in the human brain, with a much higher concentration in the temporal neocortex than in the hippocampus, which could explain the characteristic auditory ictal manifestations in patients with LGI1 mutation (42). The association of neocortical temporal malformation patterns in some families may indicate a probable role of LGI1 in the development of the temporal lobes (54; 92).
At least 44 different LGI1 mutations or variants have been described today. Most LGI1 mutations in patients with familial epilepsy with auditory features are associated with loss of function, with the LGI1 protein either not secreted, misfolded, or unstable (78; 87; 58; 61). Mutations or variants described by Striano and colleagues and Di Bonaventura and colleagues do not affect LGI1 protein secretion (31; 89). Striano and colleagues also reported that the mutation or variant found in their family does not induce large structural rearrangements, although it could destabilize its interactions with target proteins. Investigating LGI1 mutations or variants described in familial epilepsy with auditory features as well as epilepsy due to LGI1 autoantibodies, Dazzo and colleagues have validated and introduced the concept that LGI1 mutations or variants can be secretion-defective or secretion-competent, the latter resulting in impaired interaction between secreted LGI1 with neuronal receptors ADAM22 and ADAM23 (25). To review the interactions between LGI1 and ADAM receptors, please refer to the paper by Yamagata and Fukai (102).
Many different mutations or variants have been described in different kindreds worldwide, all located in the coding region or exon splice sites (44; 49; 71; 38; 54; 69; 78; 05; 13; 46; 75; 77; 21; 72; 51; 31; 89; 28; 50; 60). Bovo and colleagues analyzed the promoter region of the LGI1 gene in patients with sporadic and familial epilepsy with auditory features and found no mutations or variants in the promoter sequence (15).
LGI1 mutations or variants have been identified in about 2% of nonfamilial cases (72). No mutations or variants in LGI2, LGI3, or LGI4 have been identified in 71 families with various types of temporal lobe epilepsy, including four with familial epilepsy with auditory features (05; 02). Finally, no mutations or variants related to the ADAM22 gene (19; 29) or Kv1 channel genes (29) have been identified in kindreds with familial epilepsy with auditory features without LGI1 mutations.
LGI1 microdeletions have been identified in families that tested negative for exon sequencing, suggesting that copy number variation analysis could further identify genes implicated in these patients or families (37; 36). This has not been confirmed in a series of eight families, and 20 sporadic patients tested negative for known LGI1 mutations (64).
Based on evidence from in vitro studies in transgenic mice (105), Anderson has proposed that LGI1 modulates a mechanism that could lead to epileptogenesis via persistent immaturity of glutamatergic circuitries (01). Interestingly, LGI1 has been demonstrated as the autoantigen for antibodies found in patients with limbic encephalitis, which had been previously attributed to voltage-gated potassium channels (57). These two observations point to a role of LGI1 in the maturation of glutamatergic neurotransmission and the etiology of acquired epilepsies.
Further insights about the mechanisms underlying epileptogenicity derived from LGI1 mutations or variants have been unraveled in vitro using hippocampal CA3 neurons (86). LGI1 deletion resulted in downregulation of axonal Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 channels, thus impairing the capacity of axonal D-type current to limit glutamate release. This could be a potential mechanism through which LGI1 regulates the intrinsic excitability of neurons and promotes the development of epileptogenicity.
Yokoi and colleagues aimed to investigate mechanisms through which levels of transsynaptic LGI1-ADAM22 protein complexes are regulated and what level of function or impairment of LGI1-ADAM22 complexes is required for disease symptomatology to occur (104). Their study demonstrated, using ADAM22 and LGI1 hypomorphic mice, that levels at approximately 50% of LGI1 and approximately 10% of ADAM22 are sufficient to prevent lethal epilepsy. In addition, it showed evidence that quantitative dual phosphorylation of ADAM22 by protein kinase A (PKA) mediates high-affinity binding of ADAM22 to dimerized 14-3-3, “protecting” LGI1-ADAM22 from endocytosis-dependent degradation. It remains to be further evidenced whether these results support increasing levels of LGI1-ADAM22 complexes as a potential pharmacological strategy for epilepsy treatment.
Heterozygous mutations in the gene encoding for the secreted protein reelin (RELN) on chromosome 7q have been found in 17% of kindreds that tested negative for LGI1 mutations or variants, providing an interesting venue for understanding the pathophysiology of this epilepsy syndrome (24; 70; 66). Homozygous RELN mutations or variants cause lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia, and as the authors found an inhibitory effect of mutations on protein secretion and co-localization of LGI1 and RELN in many rat brain regions, they bring to discussion the regulatory role these two proteins exert in brain development.
It is estimated that disease-causing heterozygous mutations or variants in the RELN gene are segregated in about 20% of families with familial epilepsy with auditory features (26). Pathogenic mutations or variants, through impaired trafficking of mutant reelin along the secretory pathway as well as elimination through the autophagy pathway, result in abolished or significantly reduced reelin, which can be, nevertheless, partially rescued by small-molecule correctors.
Pippucci and colleagues used whole exome sequencing to investigate probands who tested negative for known LGI1 mutations or variants and found CNTNAP2 intragenic deletion, two truncating mutations of the DEPDC5 gene, and a missense SCN1A change (76). Interestingly, CNTNAP2 encodes Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (CASPR2), a cell adhesion protein of the neurexin family, which plays a role in the localization of the voltage-gated potassium channel complex composed of TAG-1, Kv1.1, and Kv1.2, with which LGI1 interacts. In contrast, DEPDC5 has been originally identified in familial focal epilepsy with variable foci and now in about 10% of focal epilepsies, including patients with an underlying malformation of cortical development. No DEPDC5 mutations were found in another cohort of patients with familial epilepsy with auditory features who tested negative for LGI1 mutations or variants (90).
In a subsequent study, Leonardi and colleagues screened 28 familial epilepsy with auditory features kindreds that had tested negative for LGI1 and RELN mutations or variants and found no CNTNAP2 (contactin-associated protein-like 2) mutations with next-generation sequencing and copy number variation analyses (59).
Using whole exome sequencing combined with genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism-array linkage analysis, Dazzo and colleagues described two variants in the MICAL-1 gene in two different families with epilepsy with auditory features (27). MICAL-1 had been described as an F-actin-disassembly factor critical in actin reorganization, providing a molecular conduit for axon navigation (63). Dysregulation of the actin cytoskeleton dynamics remain as a possible mechanism for these pathogenic variants in relation to epileptogenesis (27). More recently, a novel pathogenic variant in the MICAL-1 gene has been identified in a patient with sporadic epilepsy with auditory features, which was demonstrated in a cell-based assay to increase MICAL-1 oxidoreductase activity (14). This is expected to cause dysregulation of F-actin organization, which the authors associate with a gain-of-function mechanism for MICAL-1-mediated epilepsy pathogenesis. However, the phenotypic spectrum is still evolving, as a heterozygous MICAL-1 variant has been reported in a child with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes and her asymptomatic mother (103).
Finally, two possibly pathogenic missense variants in the SCN1A gene were identified in 3.8% of sporadic patients in a cohort of epilepsy with auditory features with no antecedent of febrile seizures (08). Patients within GEFS+ families could present with typical semiology with auditory features and carry SCN1A mutations or variants.
In the most recent and largest genetic study in epilepsy with auditory features including 112 unrelated cases (of whom 33 were familial patients), Bisulli and colleagues applied next-generation sequencing and confirmed an underlying genetic abnormality in 8% of individuals (11). Pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants were identified in LGI1 (2.7%), RELN (1.8%), SCN1A (2.7%), and DEPDC5 (0.9%). Amongst the familial cases in this cohort, the following was the proportion of variants found: LGI1 (3%), RELN (6.1%), SCN1A (3%), and DEPDC5 (3%).
There is no predominance of epilepsy with auditory features in any particular ethnic group. Familial and nonfamilial epilepsy with auditory features have been studied in the United States, Brazil, Japan, Germany, Korea, France, Italy, Spain, Australia, Pakistan, and China. The actual worldwide prevalence of familial and nonfamilial epilepsy with auditory features is probably underestimated because of the usually mild phenotypes and predominantly good outcomes.
Although amniocentesis and mutation or variant detection are now possible in offspring of known carriers, prenatal diagnosis is not likely to be practiced routinely because the usually mild phenotype of familial or nonfamilial epilepsy with auditory features would not warrant termination of pregnancy.
The two main epilepsy differential diagnoses for familial epilepsy with auditory features are familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, which can be clarified most of the time with a detailed history and seizure description, and familial focal epilepsy with variable foci.
To date, no families with familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy have been found to have an LGI1 mutation, even in those families in which one or more family members had auditory features alone or in association with mesial symptoms (81; 03; 05). This further supports the fact that familial epilepsy with auditory features and familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy constitute distinct genetic syndromes. The implication of LGI1 with seizures of mesial temporal origin rather than neocortical onset is, however, suggested by the study of Chabrol and colleagues using LGI1 knockout mice (20). Frequent spontaneous seizures originating from the hippocampus were seen in homozygous animals, and hippocampal pathology consistent with sclerosis was observed. In contrast, heterozygous animals showed only auditory stimuli-induced seizures.
Patients with temporal lobe epilepsy are found in other familial epilepsy syndromes. In familial epilepsy with variable foci, different family members may present with various forms of epilepsy, including temporal lobe epilepsy (53), but the focus remains the same in each affected individual. Most reported families mapped to chromosome 22q (84; 101; 100; 17; 06). Subsequently, mutations or variants in the DEPDC5 gene encoding the DEP domain containing 5 protein were described not only in familial focal epilepsy with variable foci families but also in other familial focal epilepsies and patients with sporadic epilepsy (48; 30; 65).
In generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus (GEFS+), related to mutations or variants in genes SCN1A, SCN1B, SCN2A, and GABRG2 (96; 94; 95; 35; 62; 91; 45), patients may present heterogeneous epilepsy phenotypes. Febrile seizures are the most common phenotype, followed by febrile seizures plus (FS+), in which individuals have seizures with fever that may persist beyond the age of 6 years and may be associated with afebrile generalized tonic-clonic seizures (82; 88). Less frequent phenotypes seen in generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus involve other generalized seizure types, including temporal lobe epilepsy (82; 88; 95; 83). Patients with focal seizures typical of lateral temporal lobe epilepsy have been described within the context of GEFS+ kindreds, without febrile seizures and bearing an SCN1A mutation (08; 11).
It is essential to evaluate the phenotype of all possibly affected individuals before classifying the family to have a specific familial syndrome. In addition, because phenotypes may vary, we can never be absolutely sure that a patient with “isolated” or “sporadic” epilepsy with auditory features does not have familial epilepsy with auditory features. Molecular studies with testing for mutations of genes previously identified in these families, as well as other genes associated with related familial epilepsies, can be helpful.
As it is impossible to distinguish, so far, familial from nonfamilial epilepsy with auditory features in a single individual, it is necessary to obtain a detailed family history with the mother or the grandmother of each patient to exclude familial recurrence (which is often hidden in families). All family members with suggestive symptoms of epilepsy should be interviewed personally or by telephone, and medical records should be obtained whenever possible.
Patients with familial epilepsy with auditory features should have the same investigations as nonfamilial patients. Routine and sleep EEG should be performed, as well as MRI, to rule out the presence of any treatable lesion. Video telemetry can also be performed to record the origin of the seizures.
Molecular studies can now be performed, including the search for all described gene mutations, in suspected cases of familial epilepsy with auditory features. If other familial epilepsy syndromes are suspected, specific molecular testing for these syndromes can also be performed. Although the yield is very low (approximately 2%), mutations in genes so far described in familial cases, including LGI1, should be looked for in patients with sporadic epilepsy with auditory features as well.
Treatment should be based on the patient’s response to antiseizure medications, and the rationale is similar to that in nonfamilial patients. Usually, patients with familial epilepsy with auditory features are well controlled with small, low doses of antiseizure drugs indicated in epilepsies. Due to the benign nature of this syndrome as compared to familial mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, these patients are not, with rare exceptions, candidates for surgical therapy (66).
The few cases described in the literature who have undergone surgical resection or stereo EEG-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation have been reported with good outcomes (56; 97).
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Eliane Kobayashi MD PhD
Dr. Kobayashi of McGill University received honorariums for advisory board membership from Palladin Laboratories and Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
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Dr. Engel of the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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