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Abnormal movement in ICU

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Abnormal movement in ICU

This patient had oscillatory movement of head and lower limbs not associated with EEG changes. The genesis of such movement (in addition to other nonepileptic abnormal movements in the ICU setting) is not clear; they could represent cortical release phenomena or motor type of delirium. (Contributed by Dr. Selim R Benbadis.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Clonic facial twitching
  • Decorticate or decerebrate posturing
  • Epileptic myoclonus
  • Focal seizures
  • Nonconvulsive status epilepticus
  • Nonepileptic facial movements
  • Nonepileptic myoclonus
  • Oral automatisms
  • Pseudosyncope
  • Segmental spinal cord myoclonus
  • Syncope
  • Tremors