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Sleep-related laryngospasm (2)

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Sleep-related laryngospasm (2)

This video shows an epileptic seizure involving insular and opercular areas characterized by laryngospasm. The patient suddenly awakens from sleep and presents oral automatisms, throat constriction, increased inspiratory effort, and severe air hunger. The patient leaves his bed searching for air. The episode lasts 25 seconds. During the same night, the patient presented six episodes like this, with similar symptoms. Interictal EEG failed to disclose any epileptic abnormalities. During the episode, the EEG tracing was masqueraded by muscular artifact. (Contributed by Dr. Federica Provini.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Multiple system atrophy
  • Nocturnal asthma
  • Nocturnal panic attacks
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Parasomnias (eg, catathrenia)
  • Primary snoring
  • Sleep-related choking syndrome
  • Sleep-related gastroesophageal reflux
  • Vocal cord dysfunction