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Stereotypy related to blindness in Leber optic atrophy

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Stereotypy related to blindness in Leber optic atrophy

This girl with congenital blindness due to Leber amaurosis exhibits body-rocking stereotypy probably related to her blindness. She has wandering and frequent upward deviation of gaze, often seen in the blind. She describes a need to frequently clear her throat (throat-clearing stereotypy). (Contributed by Dr. Joseph Jankovic.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Asperger syndrome
  • Autism
  • Catatonia
  • Complex stereotypies
  • Deprivation stereotypy
  • Kanner syndrome
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Personality disorder
  • Primary psychiatric stereotypies
  • Psychosis
  • Rett syndrome
  • Schizophrenia
  • Simple stereotypies
  • Tardive stereotypy
  • Tourette syndrome