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Cloverleaf skull

The stenotic sutures are shown in blue. An extreme form of pansynostosis, skull growth occurs laterally, via the patent squamosal sutures (red arrows). Growth upward or forward in the midline through a length of suture or bony defect causes a focal bulge (green arrows). The 3 protrusions resemble a 3-leaf clover. (Contributed by Dr. Sherman Stein.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Acquired Chiari malformation
  • Acrocephaly
  • Antley-Bixler syndrome
  • Apert syndrome
  • Baller-Gerold syndrome
  • Brachycephaly
  • Carpenter syndrome
  • Cloverleaf skull
  • Coronal synostosis
  • Craniostenosis
  • Craniostosis
  • Craniotelencephalic dysplasia
  • Crouzon syndrome
  • Jackson-Weiss syndrome
  • Kleeblattschadel syndrome
  • Lambdoid synostosis
  • Metopic synostosis
  • Oxycephaly
  • Pfeiffer syndrome
  • Plagiocephaly
  • Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
  • Sagittal synostosis
  • Scaphocephaly
  • Trigonocephaly
  • Turricephaly