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Ossification abnormalities of the proximal femoral head and greater trochanter in mucolipidosis III alpha/beta

On the left, an anterior-posterior x-ray of hemipelvis of an 8-year-old healthy control is shown. On the center and right images, ossification abnormalities (indicated by a white arrow) of the proximal femoral head are observed in two 8-year-old siblings with mucolipidosis III alpha/beta. In addition, abnormal ossification can be noted in the greater trochanter (star). (Source: Oussoren E, Wagenmakers MA, Link B, et al. Hip disease in mucopolysaccharidoses and mucolipidoses: a review of mechanisms, interventions and future perspectives. Bone 2021;143:115729. Image edited by Douglas J Lanska MD MS MSPH to exclude normal control x-rays taken at age 2 years (because there were no comparable images at that age for the mucolipidosis III alpha/beta cases), to exclude x-rays of cases with mucopolysaccharidoses that were included in the original figure, and to relabel and reformat the resulting condensed set of images. Creative Commons Attribution [CC BY] license.