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Mondini malformation (MRI)

3-Tesla MRI scans of the temporal bone in a patient with Mondini malformation: (A) axial T2-weighted image, showing absence of the apical turns and a preserved basal turn of the cochlea (black arrow) and enlarged vestibule (white arrow), and (B) sagittal view, showing an enlarged vestibular aqueduct (white arrow). (Contributed by Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and can be accessed at Note: The figure legend was modified.

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Associated Disorders

  • Cochlear dysplasia
  • DiGeorge syndrome
  • Incomplete partition of cochlea
  • Internal auditory canal dysplasia
  • Klippel-Feil syndrome
  • Labyrinthine dysplasia
  • Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome
  • Pendred syndrome
  • Semicircular canal dysplasia