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  • Updated 05.14.2024
  • Released 09.10.2021
  • Expires For CME 05.14.2027

Nonhallucinogenic Basidiomycota mushroom poisoning



Other than hallucinogenic mushroom poisoning, at least five distinct neurologic or myologic presentations of mushroom poisoning have been reported for mushrooms of the phylum Basidiomycota: (1) acute encephalopathy, (2) cholinergic (muscarinic) syndrome, (3) erythromelalgia, (4) a disulfiram-like reaction, and (5) rhabdomyolysis. Some mushroom toxins produce their associated toxidromes by affecting neurotransmission. Except for the acute encephalopathy and myotoxic toxidromes, neurologic presentations of mushroom poisoning for mushrooms of the phylum Basidiomycota are rarely fatal. Fatalities have uncommonly occurred with other neurologic toxidromes (eg, cholinergic mushroom poisoning).

Key points

• Other than hallucinogenic mushroom poisoning, at least five distinct neurologic or myologic presentations of mushroom poisoning have been reported for mushrooms of the phylum Basidiomycota: (1) acute encephalopathy, (2) cholinergic (muscarinic) syndrome, (3) erythromelalgia, (4) a disulfiram-like reaction, and (5) rhabdomyolysis.

• Some, but not all, of the mushroom toxins of the phylum Basidiomycota produce their associated toxidromes by affecting neurotransmission.

• Fatalities may occur with some of these toxidromes, especially with rhabdomyolysis or cholinergic mushroom poisoning.

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