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Facial (eyebrow) myoclonia with absences (EEG)

From video-EEG of a 22-month-old boy, the EEG shows three repeated generalized spike-wave discharges, each associated with a brief typical absence seizure with concomitant rhythmic eyebrow and head jerking. During video-EEG, frequent generalized spike-wave discharges were recorded--some associated with clinical events. He was given and responded to sodium valproate. Up to the age of 20 years old when he was last seen, a few attempts to withdraw treatment were associated with relapses, two with generalized tonic-clonic seizure during sleep. The cognitive development had been assessed as borderline low. His older sister also had idiopathic generalized epilepsy. (Contributed by Dr. Athanasios Covanis.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Epilepsy with myoclonic absences
  • Facial (perioral and or eyebrow) myoclonia with absences
  • Perioral myoclonia with absences