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Exposure of anterior cervical microdiscectomy, allograft fusion, and plate fixation for spondylosis (1)

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Microdiscectomy, allograft fusion, and plate fixation for spondylosis (1)

Exposure of anterior cervical microdiscectomy, allograft fusion, and plate fixation for spondylosis. After disc, cartilage, posterior longitudinal ligament, and spur removal, the ventral dural covering the spinal cord at C5-6 is visually inspected to confirm return to normal anatomic position. A nerve hook is passed out laterally through each neural foramen to ensure decompression of the exiting C6 nerve roots. (Left) rostral field; (right) caudal field; (superior) left paracervical retractor blade at longus colli muscle, retracting the esophagus; (inferior) right paracervical retractor blade at longus colli muscle, retracting right carotid sheath. (Contributed by Dr. Saul Schwarz.)

Associated Disorders

  • Lumbar stenosis