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Girl showing the effects of congenital syphilis, including interstitial keratitis

Drawing in oil of a 16-year-old girl showing some of the effects of congenital syphilis. The teeth are “pegged” (Hutchinson teeth), and the bridge of the nose is flattened (saddle nose). Both eyes are affected with interstitial keratitis, and the right, which is also affected with kerato-globus (ie, generalized, noninflammatory cornea thinning and globular protrusion), was absolutely blind. Large patches of necrosis of the cranial bones are exposed by ulceration of the scalp. (Source: Wellcome Trust, London. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license,

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Associated Disorders

  • Congenital HIV infection
  • Congenital central nervous system infections
  • Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
  • Congenital herpes virus infection
  • Congenital infections
  • Congenital rubella infection
  • Congenital toxoplasmosis infection
  • Maternal HIV infection
  • Maternal syphilis