General Child Neurology
Cerebral palsy
Jun. 05, 2024
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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Extraoccipital spikes only or brief generalized discharges in three children from the original study of Panayiotopoulos (Panayiotopoulos 1988). Left: EEG for this child had centrotemporal spikes and giant somatosensory evoked spikes (arrows indicate tapping of the left fingers). Middle: EEG of another child had scarce and brief generalized discharges of small spikes and slow waves. Right: EEG of this child had only midline spikes. (Used with permission: Panayiotopoulos CP. Panayiotopoulos syndrome: a common and benign childhood epileptic syndrome. London: John Libbey and Company, 2002.)