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Cranial growth and remodeling

Cross-section through an arc of a newborn’s skull vault (red), superimposed on a similar arc in an adult (green). It is obvious that the change in shape and thickness cannot result from bone accretion at sutures alone; considerable remodeling and thickening must also occur. (Contributed by Dr. Sherman Stein.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Acquired Chiari malformation
  • Acrocephaly
  • Antley-Bixler syndrome
  • Apert syndrome
  • Baller-Gerold syndrome
  • Brachycephaly
  • Carpenter syndrome
  • Cloverleaf skull
  • Coronal synostosis
  • Craniostenosis
  • Craniostosis
  • Craniotelencephalic dysplasia
  • Crouzon syndrome
  • Jackson-Weiss syndrome
  • Kleeblattschadel syndrome
  • Lambdoid synostosis
  • Metopic synostosis
  • Oxycephaly
  • Pfeiffer syndrome
  • Plagiocephaly
  • Saethre-Chotzen syndrome
  • Sagittal synostosis
  • Scaphocephaly
  • Trigonocephaly
  • Turricephaly