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Acute-onset “vascular” Korsakoff syndrome with bilaterally damaged mammillothalamic tracts (FLAIR)

A 97-year-old man presenting with acute-onset “vascular” Korsakoff syndrome with bilaterally damaged mammillothalamic tracts. Fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) images confirmed bilateral lesions of both mammillothalamic tracts. (Source: Yoneoka Y, Seki Y, Akiyama K. "Vascular" Korsakoff syndrome with bilaterally damaged mammillothalamic tracts: insights into the pathogenesis of "acute" Korsakoff syndrome as acute-onset irreversible anterograde amnesia. Cureus 2021;13(11):e19472. Creative Commons Attribution License [CC-BY 4.0]. Edited by Dr. Douglas J Lanska.)

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  • Alcoholic peripheral neuropathy
  • Beriberi
  • Cirrhosis of the liver