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Myoclonic absence seizures of the syndrome epilepsy with myoclonic absences (EEG) (1)

The polygraphic video-EEG spike-wave generalized discharge was recorded in a 5-year-old boy during hyperventilation while standing. The recorded generalized spike-wave discharge was initially associated with abrupt onset of rhythmic upward jerking of upper limbs; his head bent forward and jerked, his eyes were open and vague, and there was impairment of consciousness for 4.5 seconds (a), followed by a very brief partial recovery (b) (horizontal black bar) and a second similar but milder episode (c), with the difference that rhythmic upward jerking occurred in the right upper limb while the left upper limb remained close to his body with minor jerky movements and concomitant purposeless body movements. The second episode lasted about 11.5 seconds. (Contributed by Dr. Athanasios Covanis.)

Associated Disorders

  • Epilepsy with myoclonic absences
  • Facial (perioral and or eyebrow) myoclonia with absences
  • Perioral myoclonia with absences