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Clonic and myoclonic seizures (EMG)

Illustrative presentation of EMG recording during various types of seizure, including clonic and myoclonic seizures. Note that the only difference between clonic and myoclonic seizures is that the former are rhythmic, whereas the latter are random and irregular. (Used with permission from Panayiotopoulos CP. A clinical guide to epileptic syndromes and their treatment. Revised 2nd edition. London: Springer, 2010.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Cerebrovascular stroke
  • Epilepsia partialis continua
  • Generalized tonic-clonic seizure
  • Hemiclonic seizure
  • Jacksonian march
  • Kozhevnikov- Rasmussen syndrome
  • Panayiotopoulos syndrome
  • Rolandic epilepsy
  • Todd paralysis