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Spatial distribution of meningitis cases by country in Africa from 1928 to 2018

The areas in grey illustrate the different countries belonging to the meningitis belt. Note that meningitis case information is unavailable for the period 1948–1957. Typographical errors in the figure legend in the original have been corrected by Dr. Douglas J Lanska. (Source: Mazamay S, Guégan JF, Diallo N, et al. An overview of bacterial meningitis epidemics in Africa from 1928 to 2018 with a focus on epidemics "outside-the-belt." BMC Infect Dis 2021;21[1]:1027. Creative Commons Attribution License [By 4.0],

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Associated Disorders

  • asplenia
  • deficiency of a terminal complement component (C5-9)
  • deficiency of properdin