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Olfactory bulb of the duck, anteroposterior section

Santiago Ramón y Cajal's drawing of an anteroposterior section of the olfactory bulb of the duck. Legend: (A) arborization of olfactory fibrils within the glomeruli. (B) Descending trunks of the large tufted cells, terminating in a granulous meshwork in the glomeruli. (C) Large superior tufted cells. (Source: Ramón y Cajal S. Origen y terminación de las fibras nerviosas olfatorias [Origin and termination of the olfactory nerve fibers]. Gaceta Sanitaria de Barcelona 1890-1891:3; 133-139, 174-181, 206-212. See: Shepherd GM, Greer CA, Mazzarello P, Sassoè-Pognetto M. The first images of nerve cells: Golgi on the olfactory bulb 1875. Brain Res Rev. 2011;66[1-2]:92-105. Public domain.)