Epilepsy & Seizures
Progressive myoclonic epilepsy type 1
May. 22, 2024
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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Daily continuous sea-surface temperature (SST) changes at selected shellfish representative tetrodotoxin (TTX) monitoring sites in the United Kingdom where TTX-positive or TTX-negative bivalves were recovered in 2016. Satellite-derived SST from 2016 using (A) daily mean SST and (B) "SST Difference" data sets. "SST Difference" values were determined by subtracting the lowest daily mean SST value from the daily mean SST values at each site. Significant interactions were found between time and TTX status for both data sets. (Source: Dhanji-Rapkova M, Teixeira Alves M, Triñanes JA, et al. Sea temperature influences accumulation of tetrodotoxin in British bivalve shellfish. Sci Total Environ 2023;885:163905. Creative Commons Attribution [CC BY] license.)