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Hospitalization rate related to meningococcemia by age group in Spain (1997-2018)

Rates are graphed for ages less than 1 (red), less than 2 (yellow), less than 5 (green), 5 to 9 (blue), and 10 to 14 (purple). Note that the first three age groups overlap. (Source: Walter S, Gil-Prieto R, Gil-Conesa M, Rodriguez-Caravaca G, San Román J, Gil de Miguel A. Hospitalizations related to meningococcal infection in Spain from 1997 to 2018. BMC Infect Dis 2021;21[1]:1215.)

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Associated Disorders

  • asplenia
  • deficiency of a terminal complement component (C5-9)
  • deficiency of properdin