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German pathologist Rudolf Beneke (1861-1946) in 1916

Professor Rudolf Beneke (1861-1946) was a pathologist, and conducted research at the Universities of Leipzig, Göttingen, Königsberg, and what is today Kaliningrad (Russia), where he was successor of Ernst Christian Neumann (1834-1918) at the Institute of Pathology. (Source: Wikipedia. See: Krauspe C. Zur Geschichte der Allgemeinen Pathologie und Pathologischen Anatomie an der Albertus-Universität Königsberg. Beilage zum Osterrundbrief 1969 der Ostpreußischen Arztfamilie 1969;1:1-25.)

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  • Adult globoid cell leukodystrophy
  • Diffuse brain-sclerosis
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  • Juvenile globoid cell leukodystrophy
  • Late infantile globoid cell leukodystrophy
  • Leukodystrophy