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Cartoon: "A 'Canteen' Compromise" showing a sign for "Lydia Blinkham's on draught - October brew"

Enlarged detail. To the left of the sign for "Lydia Blinkham's on draught - October brew" (on the right end of the second shelf) is a bottle of wood alcohol (methanol). It is unclear if Pinkham used some methanol in "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound" as the recipe evolved, but a similar patent medicine of the era, Lash’s Bitters, contained both methanol and lead (White WA III. Just What the Doctor Ordered: Biochemical Analysis of Historical Medicines from Downtown Tucson, Arizona. Intl J Hist Archaeol 2021;25:515-43). (Source: Puck (magazine) 1906;59(1520), April 18. Courtesy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Public domain. Edited by Douglas J Lanska.)