Stroke & Vascular Disorders
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Jul. 05, 2023
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At the time of diagnosis, brain MRI showed diffuse white matter lesions in both hemispheres (T2) with diffusion restriction (A and B), and spinal MRI revealed subacute combined degeneration of the cord (C). After 42 months of treatment, brain MRI showed cerebral atrophy and a regression of the white matter lesions (D and E) and spinal MRI showed regression of the spinal lesions (F). (Source: Ailliet S, Vandenberghe R, Schiemsky T, et al. A case of vitamin B12 deficiency neurological syndrome in a young adult due to late-onset cobalamin C [CblC] deficiency: a diagnostic challenge. Biochem Med [Zagreb] 2022;32[2]:020802. Creative Commons Attribution License,