Epilepsy & Seizures
Epilepsy surgery in adults
Nov. 04, 2008
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The Knipe brothers (1760 or 1761-after 1784) reported that they were cousins of Byrne (1761-1783). In 2011, DNA from Byrne's skeleton showed that he had a mutation in AIP. Etching and aquatint, 1784, by John Kay (1742-1826). Other sitters: engraver and publisher Andrew Bell (1726-1809); Scottish judge James Burnett, Lord Monboddo (1714-1799); Baillie Kyd (active 1784); William Richardson (1723-1801); an unidentified lady; and an unidentified dwarf. Note that one of the sitters is only partly shown, as a portion of his head peaks through between the elbows of the first two giants. (Courtesy of the Wellcome Collection, London.)