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Variation in development of aortic arch and great vessels (1)

This diagram shows a variation in development of the aortic arch and great vessels (right aortic arch associated with disappearance of the distal portion of the left arch): (A) aorta, (DA) ductus arteriosus, (LS) left subclavian artery, (P) pulmonary artery, (RAA) right aortic arch, (RS) right subclavian artery. This anomaly is not associated with a reversal of any of the other organs of the body, so is distinct from situs inversus viscerum. (Contributed by Dr. Douglas Lanska. Source: Dwight T, McMurrich JP, Hamann CA, Piersol GA, White JW, Heisler JC. Human Anatomy: Including Structure and Development and Practical Considerations. Vol. 1. Philadelphia and London: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1907.)