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Unvaccinated children receiving oral polio vaccine in Pakistan

A Pakistani Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) 2nd cohort resident, (Dr. Muhammad Dawood Kasi) administering oral polio vaccine (OPV) to unvaccinated children in the union council locality of Kharotabad, Balochistan, Pakistan, during the July 2011, polio campaign. The FETP trains workers on the ground to help countries build sustainable capacity for detecting and responding to health threats. The program develops in-country expertise so that disease outbreaks can be detected locally and prevented from spreading. (Source: CDC/Tamkeen Ghafoor, Pakistan. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Image Library. Public domain.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Aseptic meningitis
  • Bulbar polio
  • Bulbospinal polio
  • Infantile paralysis
  • Nonparalytic polio
  • Paralytic polio
  • Polioencephalitis
  • Post-polio progressive muscular atrophy
  • Post-polio syndrome
  • Spinal paralytic polio