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Spinal cord following acute anterior poliomyelitis (1)

Late-stage, carmine preparation from the spinal cord of a 76-year-old man. The cells of the anterior horn, still recognizable microscopically, are brought out by retouching. (Source: Bing R. A textbook of nervous diseases for students and practising physicians in thirty lectures. Authorized translation by Charles L Allen. New York: Rebman Co, 1921.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Aseptic meningitis
  • Bulbar polio
  • Bulbospinal polio
  • Infantile paralysis
  • Nonparalytic polio
  • Paralytic polio
  • Polioencephalitis
  • Post-polio progressive muscular atrophy
  • Post-polio syndrome
  • Spinal paralytic polio