Sleep Disorders
Sleep-related laryngospasm
Feb. 12, 2024
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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Case of Hans Spitzy (1912). "Handwalker" girl, 7 years of age. All of the muscles in both legs, except the iliopsoas of each side, are paralyzed. The child can get around only by crawling. Duration of paralysis was 5 years. (Source: Spitzy H. Surgical measures in diseases of nervous origin. [Translated by Carl G Leo-Wolf]. In: Pfaundler M, Schlossmann A, editors. The diseases of children: a work for the practising physician. [English translation edited by Henry LK Shaw and Linnæus la Pétra]. Volume 5. Philadelphia and London: JB Lippincott Co, 1912:322-3.)