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Stratification of nocturnal oxygen saturation (SpO2) in highlanders at 5,100 m according to chronic mountain sickness (CMS) status

Nocturnal SpO2 levels are calculated from nocturnal pulse oximetry recordings and represent the percentage of recording time spent at a specific SpO2 value. The percentage of total recording time with a SpO2 <65% was significantly different between the no CMS and moderate-severe CMS groups. Abbreviations: le, level; Perc., percentage; SpO2, oxygen saturation; CMS, chronic mountain sickness. (Source: Perger E, Baillieul S, Esteve F, et al. Nocturnal hypoxemia, blood pressure, vascular status, and chronic mountain sickness in the highest city in the world. Ann Med 2022;54[1]:1884-93. Creative Commons Attribution [CC BY 4.0] license,