Headache & Pain
Migraine in childhood
Sep. 04, 2024
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Coronal contrast-enhanced fat-saturated T1-weighted MRI of the brainstem, skull base, and pituitary gland in a woman with granulomatosis with polyangiitis causing cavernous sinus syndrome and diabetes insipidus. There is pathological enhancement of the cavernous sinus, pituitary gland, and pituitary stalk (arrow). The abnormalities are nondiscrete and radiologically inconsistent with a microadenoma or invasive macro adenoma of the pituitary gland.
(Source: Peters JE, Gupta V, Saeed IT, Offiah C, Jawad AS. Severe localised granulomatosis with polyangiitis [Wegener's granulomatosis] manifesting with extensive cranial nerve palsies and cranial diabetes insipidus: a case report and literature review. BMC Neurol 2018;18[1]:59. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license, creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.)